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Legal Division Legal Risks for Business Managers, School Councils, & Principals Presentation by River McKenzie Principal Lawyer and Manager, Commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Division Legal Risks for Business Managers, School Councils, & Principals Presentation by River McKenzie Principal Lawyer and Manager, Commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Division Legal Risks for Business Managers, School Councils, & Principals Presentation by River McKenzie Principal Lawyer and Manager, Commercial and Property Law Unit

2 Introduction The Legal Division
Issue 1 The Legal Division Issue 2 Legislative and regulatory framework for principals, business managers, school councils Issue 3 Conflict of Interest Issue 4 Privacy and online services Issue 5 Schools’ Procurement and contracting Issue 6 Questions

3 When you need legal advice
us at also check out our SPAG –School Policy & Advisory Guides on the Legal Division Website

4 Issue 1: Responsibilities Business Managers

5 Issue 1: Responsibilities School Councils
School Council becomes body corporate from date of constitution (2.3.2(4))

6 Issue 1: Responsibilities School Councils
Constitution (2.3.2) School Council becomes body corporate from date of constitution (2.3.2(4)) Functions (2.3.5) Broad power to: Arrange for supply of goods, services, facilities etc. for schools/preschool programs (2.3.5(b)); Ensure school buildings/grounds are kept in good order and condition (2.3.5(e)) Powers (2.3.6) Enter into contracts/agreements; Grant licence to school lands/buildings Do not have power to: Purchase/acquire land or buildings (2.3.6(3)(b)) Governance Strategic Planning Finance Policy and Review


8 ‘conflict of interest’ is a situation where a conflict arises between public duty and private interest. i.e. where a public officer could be influenced, or reasonably perceived to be influenced, by a private interest when performing an official function. A conflict of interest is not in itself improper conduct in itself. However, not recognising a conflict, or failing to manage a conflict appropriately, can undermine public confidence in an organisation and lead to improper conduct. Conflict

9 Privacy and Online Services
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) applies to schools Is the service accessed via a portal or is software downloaded into the school’s digital local network? Where are the servers located? Privacy of student, teacher and parental information Obtain informed consent in writing

10 Purchasing and Contracts – Top Tips
Going to Market Directly, Expression of Interest (EoI), Tender – Seel advice from Schools Procurement Avoid conflicts of interest, treat all potential vendor the same Due Diligence – what would people reasonably expect before you engaged them Be careful – do not accept any commissions or other benefits (Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy) REMEMBER: schools don’t enter into contracts, School Councils do. Make sure the School Council also understands they are the decision maker and provide them with the appropriate amount of information School Councils are separate legal entities there are limits on the types of contracts that school councils can enter into Purchasing Templates %20Purchasing%20Goods%20or%20Services.aspx

11 Contract Management Using service provider contracts
automatic renewal clauses. A clear and express right for school council to terminate either immediately or after a period of time solves a lot of problems avoid Indemnities. An indemnity is a contractual promise to pay that tends to be unlimited in its reach sight supplier certificates of insurance ensure service description and prices are clearly defined (usually found in schedules) avoid personal guarantees termination fees the laws of another state apply Finance Manual for Government Schools information on purchasing thresholds and issuing of purchase orders School Policy Advisory Guide information regarding School Councils and Contractors and Purchasing

12 Questions?

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