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Correlations between dominant microbial OTUs and edaphic variables.

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Presentation on theme: "Correlations between dominant microbial OTUs and edaphic variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correlations between dominant microbial OTUs and edaphic variables.
Correlations between dominant microbial OTUs and edaphic variables. Colors indicate the Spearman’s correlation coefficients, as shown in the key. Dominant OTUs uncorrelated with any edaphic variables are not displayed. The order, family, and genus names for the corresponding OTUs are shown to the left of the grids; “NA” indicates unclear classification at the corresponding taxonomic level. pH, soil pH; HA, humic acid; FA, fulvic acid; HA/FA ratio, humic acid/fulvic acid ratio; TN, total nitrogen; TDN, total dissolved nitrogen; OC, organic carbon; DOC dissolved organic matter; C/N ratio, carbon/nitrogen ratio; AK, available potassium; Clay, proportion of clay; Silt, proportion of silt; Sand, proportion of sand; Ald, free aluminum; Alo, amorphous aluminum; Feo, amorphous iron; Fed, free iron; Feo/Fed ratio, amorphous iron/free iron ratio. Bin Ma et al. mSystems 2017; doi: /mSystems

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