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Animal Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior

2 Responses Seen in lab Stimulus leads to change in direction
Taxis Kinesis Stimulus leads to change in direction Stimulus leads to change in speed

3 Behaviors can be innate or learned
Completely genetically controlled Automatic from birth Some genetic predisposition But behavior is learned and developed

4 Examples of innate behavior
Instinct Fixed Action Pattern Imprinting

5 Instinct Inclination towards a behavior
E.g. newly hatched turtles walk towards ocean Human babies exhibit many instinctual reflexes

6 Fixed Action Pattern Innate response to a particular stimulus
E.g. male stickleback fish have a red underbelly. They will attack anything they see with a red underbelly and ignore a male fish with no red stripe

7 Imprinting Animal has innate ability to learn but only during a critical period E.g. ducks/geese imprint first thing they see as their mother E.g. birds learn bird song only during a brief period

8 Examples of learned behavior
Habituation Associative learning Trial and error learning Observational learning Insight or critical thinking

9 Habituation Begin ignoring repetitive stimuli
E.g. you don’t feel clothes after a while Allows you to focus on important stimuli

10 Learn to relate two stimuli
Associative learning Learn to relate two stimuli E.g. Pavlov’s Dog

11 Trial and Error Learning
Associate behavior with a stimulus E.g. operant conditioning Basis of punishment and reward systems

12 Observational Learning
Pick up behaviors that you see Actually a fairly complex behavior

13 Coming up with new ideas
Insight Coming up with new ideas Highest form of learning

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