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Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology

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1 Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology
Class Experiment Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology

2 Today going to go over the design and procedures for the class experiment.
Make sure that you download the experiment packet and test your participants this weekend Class experiment

3 Memory Demonstration Instructions (1/2 the class):
I’m going to read a list of words. Please listen to each word on the list. After each word I’d like you to respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ whether the word has a letter ‘A’ in it After I’m done, please count backwards (aloud) by threes from the number that I give you. Then I’ll tell you to write down as many of the words as you can. Any questions? Memory Demonstration

4 Memory Demonstration Instructions (the other 1/2 of the class):
I’m going to read a list of words. Please listen to each word on the list. After each word I’d like you to respond ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ whether the word is something that you associate with your experience at Illinois State University After I’m done, please count backwards (aloud) by threes from the number that I give you. Then I’ll tell you to write down as many of the words as you can. Any questions? Read list 537 Memory Demonstration

5 Recall Please recall as many of the items now (write them down).
We’ll check these in a few mins. Recall

6 Recall Please recall as many of the items now (write them down).
Check: apple interest theory ocean pencil moral microscope anger chance baby car hammer fate happiness book effort bird money hope knowledge Recall

7 What variables might influence performance on a memory task like this?
We’ll select two things: Type of word - abstract or concrete Level of processing - how “deeply” the words are processed The issues

8 What variables might influence performance on a memory task like this?
We’ll select two things: Type of word - abstract or concrete Level of processing - how “deeply” the words are processed The issues

9 Word type apple interest theory ocean pencil
moral microscope anger chance baby car hammer fate happiness book effort bird money hope knowledge Word type

10 Go ahead and count up how many abstract and how many concrete words you remembered.
apple interest theory ocean pencil moral microscope anger chance baby car hammer fate happiness book effort bird money hope knowledge Concrete words Abstract words Word type

11 What variables might influence performance on a memory task like this?
We’ll select two things: Type of word - abstract or concrete Level of processing - how “deeply” the words are processed The issues

12 Levels of processing Two levels of processing: Shallow:
Is there an “a” Deep: Related to ISU BOOK CAR DESK DRESSER FLOWER MAGAZINE happiness happiness Levels of processing

13 The issues What are the issues that we’re looking at?
What is the Dependent variable? Construct? Operationalized? What is/are the Independent variable(s)? Word type Op: words rated as abstract or concrete Level of processing Op: Shallow processing: “does word have an ‘a’ in it?” Deep processing: “is the word related to ISU experience?” memory accurate recall of words from list The issues

14 The design How many conditions do we have?
What is the design of the study? 2 factors Level of processing “a” in it ISU related Abstract Word type Concrete What are your predictions? The design

15 I have put the materials together and posted them on the syllabus (click on “class experiment”)
Your homework is to Download “Exp packet” Find two volunteers Collect some data Bring the data back to class on Monday I will compile and analyze the results You will go over the summarized results in labs Based on this experiment and these results you will produce an APA style research report Class experiment

16 Class experiment In the packet you’ll find: Instructions
To create the stimuli To read to your participants For compiling the data (data sheet provided) Two consent forms Debriefing sheet Class experiment

17 The Procedure Find 2 volunteers
Test each participant (one-at-a-time, in one of the conditions) Following presentation of the word list Have them count backwards by 3s for 15 sec. Ask them to recall as many of the words as they can (have them write them down) Shuffle the word order (the cards) before each participant Count up the number of correctly recalled abstract and concrete words and enter this information into the data summary sheet Bring the data back to class on Monday The Procedure

18 The design What do we need to control?
Presentation rate Amount of time for recall Number of items on the list Actual items on the list Any other things we need to think about? Ethics Consent form, debriefing I have create these and they are part of the experiment packet that you download 1 second per item 90 seconds 20 items Same concrete and abstract words The design

19 The class paper Complete APA style research report
Intro There are 3 required readings which you must include these in your introduction Kroll & Merves (1986) Craik & Tulving (1975) Groninger & Groninger (1982) Additionally, you must find at least 1 additional article to include in your introduction Methods, Results, Discussion, References, etc. Two drafts (see web pages for specific details) 1st: due week 9 Final: due week 15 The class paper

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