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Henry Clay’s American System

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Presentation on theme: "Henry Clay’s American System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Henry Clay’s American System
Read pages What was it? Which parts went into effect? Which didn’t? Who was against it & Why?

2 Henry Clay’s American System
Goal: To help the economy in each section of the country grow and increase the power of the federal government How? Higher Tariffs A new Bank of the U.S. Internal Improvements: building of roads, bridges, and canals

3 Which parts went into effect? Which didn’t?
A new (2nd) Bank of the U.S. was created to restore order to the economy by controlling the money supply. Tariff of 1816 was passed to protect American manufacturers from foreign competitors. Didn’t go into effect: Internal Improvements: building of roads, bridges, and canals

4 Who was against it & Why? Southerners
Against tariffs since the South had few factories felt that tariffs protected Northern manufacturers at their expense Against internal improvements as well. South had many fine rivers: no need for canals.

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