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Quarter 3 Week 7 Subtitle.

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1 Quarter 3 Week 7 Subtitle

2 Monday March 6th On Weebly – In your notebooks:
New vocabulary list for our new unit! Make flashcards now to study a little bit every night  Every MONDAY I update with everything we are doing for the week, including any digital copies of worksheets and THIS POWERPOINT! Grades are due Friday March 17th  all missing work due this day too! Extra credit opportunity again  In your notebooks: Where can we find the DNA in our cells? Do all cells have the same DNA? Explain why or why not.

3 Intro to Genetics Text In table groups – read individually your text, C.U.R.E. it Talking tokens protocol to discuss what you learned about this field of study Quiz at the end of article – turn in for grade

4 Tuesday March 7th Complete the Asexual vs. Sexual reproduction graphic organizer in the media center. Turn in for a grade!

5 Wednesday March 7th New textbooks! Read through Activity 57 & complete the analysis questions at the end. This is a review from what you learned yesterday. Make your answers complete in your notebook. Stamp for this

6 Investigating Human Traits Lab
Formal lab write-up in your composition notebooks. Use the guide I put together for you to complete this. Goal is to gather data today as a group, then share out as a class. The class data goes in your formal lab write-up! Your group data gets turned in for a classwork grade.

7 Continuing the Lab Pull out the investigation sheet.
Continue to complete your lab analysis using your data and the book. Turn in to the cupboard when you finish  Yes, this is a test grade!

8 Friday March 10th Reminders:
All missing work due next Friday, March 17th Current Event due next Wednesday, March 15th Turn labs in via the shelf! Open up your spiral notebook for the next slide = warm up


10 DNA forensics Get on Mrs. Dempsey’s Weebly
Click on the “Friday’s Website” link This will take you to the DNA Interactive, scroll down and find the DNA Analysis video – watch the video first Answer discussion questions in your spiral notebook Go back and complete the DNA Interactive Get a stamp 

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