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IAT 265 Lecture 2: Java Loops, Arrays Processing setup, draw, mouse Shapes Transformations, Push/Pop.

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Presentation on theme: "IAT 265 Lecture 2: Java Loops, Arrays Processing setup, draw, mouse Shapes Transformations, Push/Pop."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAT 265 Lecture 2: Java Loops, Arrays Processing setup, draw, mouse Shapes Transformations, Push/Pop

2 Suggestions on learning to program
Spend a lot of time fiddling around with code Programming is something you have to learn by doing it Get help from other people I expect those who already know some programming to help others Figure things out in groups Ask me questions in class Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

3 setup() void setup() is a predefined Processing method that you define
Syntax void setup() is a predefined Processing method that you define setup() is called once when a sketch first starts executing Place any startup code in setup(), eg. Setting the size Setting the background color Initializing variables… Semantics Design Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

4 draw() draw() is a predefined Processing method that you define draw() is called repeatedly by the Processing system Put code in draw() when you need to constantly update the display (for example, animating an object) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

5 Example of setup() and draw()
int x; int y; void setup() { size(400, 400); background(0); x = 0; y = height/2; } void draw() { ellipse(x, y, 20, 20); x = x + 1; if (x > width) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

6 setup() and draw() are examples of callbacks
A callback function is defined by the programmer The callback gets called in response to some internal event You usually don’t call callback functions directly with your own code. setup() and draw() are predefined within Processing as to-be-called-if-defined Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

7 Callbacks A Callback is an example of the Observer Pattern … more later! Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

8 Controlling draw() frameRate() can be used to set the number of times per second that draw() is called frameRate(30) says to call draw() 30 times a second (if the computer is capable) delay() delays execution for a certain number of milliseconds delay(250) delays for 250 milliseconds (1/4 of a sec.) You can use delay() or frameRate() to determine how fast you want draw() to be called – frameRate() is probably easier noLoop() tells the system to stop calling draw() If you want to, for example, turn off animation loop() tells the system to start calling draw() again Use noLoop() and loop() together to turn repeated drawing on and off Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

9 Mouse variables mouseX and mouseY – variables that automatically contain the current mouse location pmouseX and pmouseY hold the previous location mousePressed – boolean variable that is true if a mouse button is down mouseButton – value is LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER depending on which button is held down Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

10 Mouse callback methods
There are several built-in methods you can fill in to respond to mouse events mousePressed() mouseReleased() mouseMoved() mouseDragged() Example: void mousePressed() { if( mouseButton == LEFT ){ println( “Left Mouse Button was pressed” ); loop(); // activate drawing again } Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

11 If if statements introduce conditional execution
if ( <boolean expression> ) { // do this code } <boolean expressions> have one of two values: true or false Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

12 Example Try changing the values of drawRect and drawAnX
boolean drawRect = true; boolean drawAnX = true; if (drawRect) { fill( 0, 200, 0 ); // fill with green rect( 30, 30, 40, 40 ); } if (drawAnX) line( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); line( 100, 0, 0, 100 ); Try changing the values of drawRect and drawAnX Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

13 Example if / else boolean drawRect = true; boolean drawAnX = true;
if (drawRect) { fill( 0, 200, 0 ); // fill with green rect( 30, 30, 40, 40 ); } else fill( 0, 200, 220 ); // fill with cyan ellipse( 30, 30, 40, 40); if (drawAnX) line( 0, 0, 100, 100 ); line( 100, 0, 0, 100 ); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

14 Nested if boolean drawRect = true;
boolean drawEllipse = true, drawTriangle = true ; if (drawRect) { fill( 0, 200, 0 ); // fill with green rect( 30, 30, 40, 40 ); } else if( drawEllipse ) fill( 0, 200, 220 ); // fill with cyan ellipse( 30, 30, 40, 40); else if( drawTriangle ) triangle( 30, 30, 30, 80, 80, 30 ); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

15 Loops Sometimes you want to execute code multiple times
E.g. draw() is being called in a loop Java provides a number of looping mechanisms They all test some boolean expression (just like an if statement does) and continue to execute code while the expression is true Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

16 while loops while( <boolean exp.> ) {
<code to execute each time> } Repeatedly executes the code body while the boolean expression is true Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

17 for loops { <code to execute each time in loop> }
for( <init. statement> ; <boolean expression> ; <final statement> ) { <code to execute each time in loop> } First executes the initialization statement Then tests the boolean expression – if true, executes the code once Then repeats the following: execute final statement, test boolean expression  execute code if true Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

18 Converting for to while
Seeing how for loops can be converted to while loops helps you understand for for(<init. stmt> ; <boolean exp> ; <final stmt> ) { <code> } // is the same as <init. stmt> ; while( <boolean exp> ) <final stmt> ; } Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

19 Get out of a loop for good behavior
while( <boolean exp.> ) { <code to execute each time> if( <some other boolean exp.> ) break ; } <more code to execute each time> Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

20 Reading time in Processing
int hour() – returns the hour (0 – 23) int minute() – returns the minutes (0 – 59) int second() – returns the seconds (0 – 59) int day() – returns the day of the month (1 -31) int month() – returns the month (1 – 12) int year() – returns the four digit year (e.g. 2004) float milliseconds() – returns number of millis since start of app Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

21 draw() has nothing to do with time
The value returned by second() or milliseconds() has nothing to do with how often draw() is called In draw() you draw frames – you don’t know how often it will be called Put a println in loop to see how often it gets called long lastTimeLoopWasCalled = 0; void draw() { long milliseconds = millis(); println(milliseconds - lastTimeLoopWasCalled); lastTimeLoopWasCalled = milliseconds ; } Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

22 Arrays An array is a contiguous collection of data items of one type
Allows you to structure data Accessed by index number Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

23 Effect of creating an int variable
Code Effect Name: anInt, Type: int // Single int int anInt; // Put a value in the int anInt = 3; // Type error! anInt = “hello”; Name: anInt, Type: int 3 Name: anInt, Type: int “hello” Can’t shove “hello” into an int Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

24 Creating an array of ints
Code Effect Name: intArray, Type: int[] // declare int array int[] intArray; // initialize int array intArray = new int[5]; // set first element intArray[0] = 3; // set third element intArray[2] = 5; 1 2 3 4 each element has type int 1 2 3 4 3 1 2 3 4 3 5 Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

25 Next Arrays Building Complex Shapes Translation and Rotation
Pushing and Popping Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

26 Building Special Shapes
The beginShape() and endShape() functions allow us to draw irregular shapes from any number of points we define. Many types of Shape: POINTS, LINES, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, POLYGON POLYGON will be the most useful. Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

27 Building Polygons beginShape( POLYGON ); vertex(x, y);
Tells the program to start the polygon. vertex(x, y); Make as many calls to this as you have vertices in your polygon. endShape( CLOSE ); Finishes the shape, connecting the last vertex to the first vertex to close the polygon, then colors it with the current fill() color. Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

28 Building Polygons beginShape(); vertex(10, 50);
(starts a new polygon, and begins at point (10, 50).) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

29 Building Polygons vertex(20, 10); vertex(30, 40); vertex(80, 60);
(adds 4 more points to the polygon, and connects them in the order they are called.) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

30 Building Polygons endShape(CLOSE); (connects the last point to
the first point, and fills the polygon.) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

31 Let’s Use Arrays Let’s store the points that we’re drawing.
int[] xvals = {10, 20, 30, 80, 40}; int[] yvals = {50, 10, 40, 60, 80}; beginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) { vertex( xvals[i], yvals[i] ); } endShape(CLOSE); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

32 Arrays Use xvals and yvals arrays to draw the shape elsewhere
beginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) { vertex( xvals[i] +10, yvals[i] +10 ); } endShape(CLOSE); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

33 Not very general What if you wanted to move by some other value?
What if you wanted multiple copies of the same shape? Need a general method of moving polygons of some given shape Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

34 Translation Translation gives us another way of drawing in a new location. It in essence, moves the point (0, 0) in our window. (0, 0) beginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) { vertex(xvals[i], yvals[i]); } endShape(CLOSE); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

35 Translation After the call to translate(), any drawing functions called will treat our new orange point as if it were (0, 0). (0, 0) translate( 10, 10 ); (10, 10) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

36 Translation Draw same polygon again Now located x+10, y+10 (0, 0)
(10, 10) beginShape(); for(int i = 0; i < xvals.length; i++) { vertex(xvals[i], yvals[i]); } endShape(CLOSE); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

37 Rotation Much like Translation, Rotation moves our drawing space, so that we can draw at different angles. Most of the time, you’ll want to use Rotation in conjunction with Translation, because rotate() rotates the drawing window around the point (0, 0). Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

38 Rotation Let’s look at an example without translation: (0, 0)
rect(10, 10, 50, 50); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

39 Rotation Make a variable with the value for 45 degrees in Radians.
(0, 0) float angle = radians(45); radians() takes an int or float degree value and returns a float radian value. Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

40 Rotation Rotate our drawing canvas 45 degrees around the origin.
(0, 0) rotate(angle); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

41 Rotation Draw the same square, now on our rotated coordinate system
(0, 0) rect(10, 10, 50, 50); (We only get to see about half of our square, and it isn’t really rotated in any satisfactory way.) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

42 Rotation Let’s try this from the start, using translation.
Where should we translate to? The point around which we want to rotate. So let’s try and rotate around the center of the square. This means moving the origin, and drawing the square around it. Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

43 Rotation Let’s start with setting our rotation point: (0, 0)
translate(35, 35); (35, 35) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

44 Rotation Now let’s draw a square with this point at its center. (0, 0)
rect( -25, -25, 50, 50); (35, 35) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

45 Rotation Then let’s do the same rotate we did last time. (0, 0)
float angle = radians(45); rotate(angle); (35, 35) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

46 Rotation Now when we draw the same square as before, it will have the same center point. (0, 0) float angle = radians(45); rotate(angle); (35, 35) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

47 Rotation Try applying rotation to your animations using draw(). What variable will you want to iterate to make a shape rotate over time? Try making a custom polygon rotate instead of a square. Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

48 Wait! How do I get back to normal?!
If you plan to do a lot of translations and rotations, it helps to know about the concepts of push and pop… (0, 0) (35, 35) (60, 15) I just want to go back to where I started before this! Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

49 Pushing and Popping Pushing is a way to say: Popping is a way to say:
“Remember this orientation!” pushMatrix(); Popping is a way to say: “Take me back to the way things once were!” popMatrix(); Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

50 Push & Pop If we want to remember the original orientation…
pushMatrix(); translate(35,35); rotate( radians(45) ); rect(-25,-25,50,50); popMatrix(); rect(-25,-25,50,50); (0, 0) (35, 35) You can push and pop as many times as you want. It’s like you’re writing an address for the way things were on a card, and putting it on a stack each time you push… and pop just takes the first card off the top of the stack. IAT 265

51 Stack pushMatrix() and popMatrix() control a stack A stack stores chunks of data like a stack of plates in a cafeteria Last-In, First-out (LIFO) The graphics matrix stack lets you pushMatrix(), draw stuff, popMatrix() Returns drawing to state before pushMatrix Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

52 Stack Push A Push B Push C Pop -> yields C Pop -> yields B Pop -> yields A C B A Stack Base Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

53 How is this useful? You don’t have to remember the math to reverse all the translations and rotations you’ve done! You can make spiral shapes, then go back to normal! You can make drawings with limbs! (You don’t want to have to calculate the angles of every finger, do you?) Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

54 Review setup() draw() Conditionals Loops Arrays Drawing Polygons
Translation and Rotation pushMatrix and popMatrix Stacks Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

55 Practice reading code If code is a medium, then it can be both written and read Reading code reveals New programming constructs Strategies and techniques (design patterns) Style Jan 9, 2018 IAT 265

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