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Geological Map and Structural Geology

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Presentation on theme: "Geological Map and Structural Geology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geological Map and Structural Geology
Kidd, Lim, Tang, Zheng

2 Geological Map






8 Younger event - thrust to W and
small dextral component Relict of older subhorizontal event ?sinistral [thrust in unfolded context]

9 Deu Gungbu mylonites Quartzose and amphibolite planar mylonites
Porphyroclastic S/C mylonites Shear sense indicators all thrust, top to west (in present orientation) Pelitic schists with S/C foliation and mica fish


11 Steep faults dominantly
thrust to W; small sinistral component some normal faults also

12 Restore to ~NNW plunge before NB folding thrust [and one normal] shear Both north-plunging and subhorizontal stretching lineations present [shear sense nd]


14 Stretching lineation mostly
steeply plunging in Po Tsangpo section where seen has moderate to subhorizontal plunge in Jiali-Bomi valley ?sinistral

15 Foliation and lineation older than granite dikes
crosscutting (>~20Ma) Tungmai Bridge - local gently-plunging ductile lineation sinistral where determined

16 Locally - dextral brittle faulting

17 Namu-la thrust both ductile with migmatites to brittle faults with chlorite retrogression

18 SW margin - indications of
ductile N to NW normal shear ?sinistral brittle faulting

19 “Remaining items” 1. Contacts of HP slice 2. E margin of massif 3. Jiali Fault


21 Rates and amounts of displacement


23 One more field season to find out what is there

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