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Presentation on theme: "TRANSITING FROM JOB TO SELF EMPLOYMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Relationships beyond Professionalism?
We all need to make money through…… Jobs Referrals Committees Board Positions Speaking opportunities Writing assignments Special projects acting in an honorable manner regardless of the circumstances or who is watching-be true to yourself!

3 Integrity is key in Building Relationships beyond Professional levels
If you cannot be honest with people, you cannot develop long-term meaningful relationships with them, because there is no trust. If you are not honest with yourself … if you violate your own values, you will have difficulty trusting yourself. If you do not have principles, or have them but do not hold to them, you will have difficulty knowing how you will act when tough choices arise in life.

4 Integrity, relationships & Professional levels
If you think that taking a shortcut, and sacrificing your integrity, will somehow get you more money and success or more fun and pleasure, think again… You’re thinking short term… In the long term, violating trust with others or with yourself is the surest way to failure Our success is made by our Character, hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile

5 Do the best you are capable of doing
CHART YOUR DESTINATION – Your Ideal Career & Income, Your Natural Talents & Abilities, Your Perfect Personal Life MAKE IT BELIEVABLE – Make sure your goals are both believable & realistic BECOME YOUR OWN CONSULTANT HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY WALK BEFORE YOUR RUN – Become “thousandaire” before “millionaire”

6 When you feel ready Here’s how to transition
Know when to take the plunge – do it in phases Have an exit plan- you should still afford the bills Make a business plan – cater for ongoing costs and operation costs Find mentorship and support- people who have been there earlier

7 What to Avoid as you transit
Flawed Assumptions- Do your homework on any business before putting money into it. eg assuming that money will come quickly Watch your costs. Overhead costs look so small when you are starting a business but they are a serious factor. If you are not careful, overheads can grow legs, take over your business and walk out of the building with it. Under Capitalisation: It is vital that you first weigh your idea and know how much capital is needed so that you can tell whether you are up to the game or not. Before you join, talk to people who are in that field. Share ideas with them. Get a mentor.

8 As you transit……  Refusing to embrace new ideas. Don’t make your business too much of a secret and fail alone in your cocoon. Come up with a different idea and make a realistic business plan for it. Do not be too emotional while making decisions. That’s a business mistake that has brought many down. Don’t think, ‘I want to build a school and it is going to look like a shrine because it’s mine.’ Don’t get sentimental.

9 10 lessons I learnt from Who Moved My Cheese
Never ever be complacent. Complacency kills learning and creativity. Be aware of what’s happening around you and analyse how you are going to be impacted by it. Even if you are caught unaware of a sudden change, do not brood over it too much. Brooding makes things complex and delays action. Do not procrastinate; just start your quest for the new Cheese. The sooner you start, the quicker you’ll find your new Cheese. At times we are afraid of exploring new things. Do not let your fear stop you. Conquer your fear and move ahead. Getting ready for the change helps. Change does not mean end of the road. It only means a new beginning.

10 Thank You


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