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FG DLT: Structure WG1: State of the Art: Ecosystem, Terms, Definitions, Concepts WG2: Applications & Services WG3: Technology Reference Framework WG4:

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Presentation on theme: "FG DLT: Structure WG1: State of the Art: Ecosystem, Terms, Definitions, Concepts WG2: Applications & Services WG3: Technology Reference Framework WG4:"— Presentation transcript:

1 FG DLT: Structure WG1: State of the Art: Ecosystem, Terms, Definitions, Concepts WG2: Applications & Services WG3: Technology Reference Framework WG4: Policy Reference Framework WG5: Standardization Roadmap

2 WG1: State of the Art: Ecosystem, Terms, Definitions, Concepts
Mission: Identify and introduce key elements of the DLT ecosystem (e.g., terminologies, definition, taxonomy, standardization), general concepts for DLT and related technologies, and identify and analyze standardization gaps in the DLT ecosystem. Lead on ToR items: 4 Shared ToR items: 1 (ALL), 2 (WG2), 10 (ALL), 11 (WG5), 12 (ALL) WG leader: Mr. Abbie Barbir (Aetna, United States) (a.i.) Supporters: China, Korea (Rep. of), United States; ANCE (Mexico), Central Bank of Russia (Russian Federation), IRAM (Argentina), Swisscom (Switzerland).

3 WG1: State of the Art: Ecosystem, Terms, Definitions, Concepts – Deliverables
# Title Related Input Docs Champion Supporting Organizations D1.1 Terms & Definitions I-008, I-011, I-026, … D1.2 Overview, Concepts, Ecosystem I-020, I-026, … D1.3 Standardization landscape I-004, I-005, I-006, I-022, I-023, … WG1 Mission: Identify and introduce key elements of the DLT ecosystem (e.g., terminologies, definition, taxonomy, standardization), general concepts for DLT and related technologies, and identify and analyze standardization gaps in the DLT ecosystem.

4 WG2: Applications & Services
Mission: Identify and describe DLT-based use cases, specify which DLT features are required. Highlight the competitive advantage brought by DLT to the use cases. Highlight how the use cases could benefit from a standardization effort. Lead on ToR items: 5, 7, 8 Shared ToR items: 1 (ALL), 2 (WG1), 3 (WG4), 10 (ALL), 12 (ALL) WG leader: Mr. Maxim Grigoriev (Central Bank of Russia, Russian Federation) Supporters: China, Korea (Rep. of), United States; European Commission, UN/CEFACT; Aetna (United States), Everex (Switzerland), PwC (US), Swisscom (Switzerland), ZTE (China), Gabriel Zigelboim.

5 WG2: Applications & Services – Deliverables
# Title Related Input Docs Champion Supporting Organizations D2.1 Horizontal Applications & Services (e.g., data usage control, identity management, security) I-008, I-013, I-027, I-028, I-029, I-031, … D2.2 Vertical Applications & Services (e.g., telco, fintech, supply chain, energy) I-014, I-015, I-016, I-017, I-019, I-023, I-024, I-025, I-026, I-029, I-031, I-032, … Mission: Identify and describe DLT-based use cases, specify which DLT features are required. Highlight the competitive advantage brought by DLT to the use cases. Highlight how the use cases could benefit from a standardization effort.

6 WG3: Technology Reference Framework
Mission: Study architectural aspects of DLT including interoperability and abstract a high level technology reference framework. Provide a mapping of existing DLT platforms on the framework, and explore criteria and methods for assessment. Lead on ToR items: 6 Shared ToR items: 1 (ALL), 10 (ALL), 12 (ALL) WG leader: Mr. WEI Kai (China) (a.i.) Supporters: Korea (Rep. of); Bochen Technology (China), Central Bank of Russia (Russian Federation), Huawei Technologies (China), Symantec (US), Tencent Technology (China), Triangularity (Switzerland), ZTE (China), Gabriel Zigelboim.

7 WG3: Technology Reference Framework – Deliverables
# Title Related Input Docs Champion Supporting Organizations D3.1 Architectural aspects and reference framework Bochen tbc D3.2 Overview of existing platforms and mapping to reference framework D3.3 Platform assessment criteria and methods Mission: Study architectural aspects of DLT including interoperability and abstract a high level technology reference framework. Provide a mapping of existing DLT platforms on the framework, and explore criteria and methods for assessment.

8 WG4: Policy Reference Framework
Mission: Identify and describe relevant policy and regulatory dimensions (e.g., auditability, traceability, privacy, legal compliance) and highlight associated constraints (e.g., GDPR, lawful intercept) to the adoption of DLT-based applications and services. Provide a mapping of existing DLT platforms on the dimensions, and explore methods for assessment. Lead on ToR items: 9 Shared ToR items: 1 (ALL), 3 (WG2), 7 (WG2), 10 (ALL), 12 (ALL) WG leader: Mr. Alexander Chuburkov (Fintech Association, Russian Federation) Supporters: Canada; European Commission; ANCE (Mexico), IRAM (Argentina), PwC (US), Symantec (US, tbc), Triangularity (Switzerland).

9 WG4: Policy Reference Framework - Deliverables
# Title Related Input Docs Champion Supporting Organizations D4.1 Policy and regulatory dimensions and constraints for adoption of DLT-based applications D4.2 Mapping of existing DLT platforms to policy and regulatory dimensions and constraints, and assessment criteria Mission: Identify and describe relevant policy and regulatory dimensions (e.g., auditability, traceability, privacy, legal compliance) and highlight associated constraints (e.g., GDPR, lawful intercept) to the adoption of DLT-based applications and services. Provide a mapping of existing DLT platforms on the dimensions, and explore methods for assessment.

10 Liaison statements To SG17: for Comment To ISO/TC307: for Action
Acknowledge receipt of 2 work items Submit proposal on Public Key Distribution FG DLT overview Structure, and WG leaders, deliverables Meeting plan Request updates on work items To ISO/TC307: for Action Request input on definitions, use cases, reference architecture Liaison officer: Ms Oh To SG16 // SG20: for Comment Acknowledge the work item FG DLT overview Structure, and WG leaders, deliverables Meeting plan Request updates on work item To SGs 2, 11, 13; FGs DPM and DFC; GSMA Internet Group, BIS WG Digital Innovation: for Information FG DLT overview,

11 F2F meeting plan 24-26 January 2018, Beijing (with Q14/17) tbc with Alibaba, or February 2018 – Switzerland Swisscom, Zurich or Berne, 3 days, first week of February (tbc) Fallback option: ITU, February May 2018 – Moscow, Russia (tbc) Avoid overlap with ISO/TC307 meeting

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