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By: Luis Ayala and Violetta Bove

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Presentation on theme: "By: Luis Ayala and Violetta Bove"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Luis Ayala and Violetta Bove
Information What is Information? How can we Define it? Can you have to much information? By: Luis Ayala and Violetta Bove

2 Information A. Information is the – (1) Knowledge derived from data.
(2) Data presented in a meaningful context. (3) data that is processed by summing, ordering, averaging, grouping, comparing, or other similar operations. B. What weighs more? If you have more information do you weigh more, if so why? If you believe it does not, why not also ? .

3 Example of information:
The presentation of your transcript to your prospective employer: This is information because you would be giving recorded facts about yourself, which is meaningful context. However this would not apply if you were to show the same piece of information to a dog Because the document has no relevance to the context and would not make a difference to the situation

4 Information Technology Industry vs. information
Information technology industry is more concentrated on the technological realm of information, as opposed to trying to define information on a broader scale

5 The groups definition of Information:
A gathering of facts that are relevant to a situation that will make a difference

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