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Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue

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1 Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue NAAUG Sue Julich Systems Librarian (Applications Development & Support II) The University of Iowa Libraries Monday, May 05, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to this session titled “Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue”. My name is Sue Julich and I’m a systems librarian here at the University of Iowa Libraries. I have also been the technical coordinator for the e-glue project at Iowa. The University Libraries have been working on a project with Ex Libris, creating Aleph 500 workflow scripts using a software package called e-Glue. This afternoon I’m going to give you a little background on the project at Iowa and tell you about e-Glue.

2 What is e-Glue? An authoring tool A viewer Workflow: step-by-step help
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 What is e-Glue? An authoring tool Workflow: step-by-step help Offers the ability to create training sessions that users can use at their own pace and at their own workstation Helper: context-sensitive help Allows locally customizable, context-sensitive linkage between screen elements and help topics A viewer Allows staff to individually select which workflows they want assistance with Supports scripted training sessions without instructor intervention (self training) So, what is e-Glue. Well, it’s a software package developed by e-Glue Technologies based in Hoboken New Jersey. E-Glue is used to create workflow scripts and context sensitive help for business applications. Workflow scripts can be used for self-training, but they can also be used to ensure consistency in record creation and maintenance. Context sensitive help allows for locally customizable, context sensitive linkage between screen elements such an aleph record or a field within a record, and pop up help information. There are two parts to the software. There is an authoring tool, or the builder, which is used to create the scripts and context sensitive help. The builder portion of the software is only needed by those staff who will be creating and/or editing the scripts and help. The second part to the software is the viewer, or client that runs on the staff workstation and is used to run the scripts or access the help information. This is the only portion of the software that most staff workstations will run.

3 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Creating Processes Project staff develop scripts using general Iowa workflows/terminology Technical Coordinator copies and edits scripts to follow generic Aleph workflows/terminology Process is captured and saved in Iowa Project and in Aleph500 Project. At Iowa, project staff creating Acquisitions and Cataloging scripts initially created the scripts following Iowa workflows and using Iowa terminology. When a script was complete, it was sent to me. I made a copy of the script and then edited the copy so that it follows generic Aleph workflows and incorporates generic Aleph terminology. These are the workflow scripts that you will receive if you purchase e-Glue from Ex Libris. Because of staffing shortages, we have switched things around for the creation of Serials scripts. Using existing Aleph plus locally created documentation, I create the initial scripts to meet generic Aleph workflows and terminology. These will later be edited to meet the needs of Iowa’s serials workflows.

4 Project Background Iowa began creating e-Glue scripts fall 2002
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Project Background Iowa began creating e-Glue scripts fall 2002 Acquisitions (fall 2002) Cataloging (winter 2002) Serials (spring 2003) Circulation (summer/fall 2003) Iowa began creating scripts in October We completed our initial scripts for the Acquisitions and Cataloging clients during the fall and winter. This spring we’ve begun working on Serials scripts and we expect to begin working on Circulation scripts as soon as we receive release 15.2 which should be any day now.

5 Processes Completed Acquisitions / Administrative
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Processes Completed Acquisitions / Administrative Creating a Vendor Record – Control Data Creating a Vendor Address Record Creating a Budget (Fund) Record Creating an Order Record (Purchase Order) Acquisitions Based Receiving (Arrival) – Order Type M, O Creating a General Invoice/Registering a Payment Claiming a Monograph (Initial Claim/Subsequent Claims) Creating a Subscription Record in Acquisitions Here are the scripts we’ve completed for the Acquisitions client. Some of these processes, like creating a vendor record, can be done in either the Acquisitions client or the Admin. Client. When that is the case, we’ve copied and adapted the script so that there is a script for each client.

6 Processes Completed Cataloging Serials (in process)
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Processes Completed Cataloging Fixed Field Editing & Help on field Creating a Basic HOLdings Record Creating an ITM Link Creating and Saving a Template Serials (in process) Creating a Subscription Record in Serials Creating a Subscription Record in Acquisitions Creating Publication Schedules Arrival in Serials Client Claiming in the Serials Client Here are the Cataloging scripts we’ve completed and the Serials scripts which are in process. We have not completed Arrival in Serials or Claiming in Serials yet, but those should be finished in the next week or so.

7 Processes Completed Cross-Module How to search for a record using SCAN
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Processes Completed Cross-Module How to search for a record using SCAN How to search for a record using FIND Creating an Item Record Some processes are the same in more than one client. For instance, if you search for a record using the mini-SCAN search utility, the steps are the same whether you initiate the search in Acquisitions, Cataloging, Serials, Items, or Circulation. Again, where this is the case, we’ve copied the scripts for use in each of the clients.

8 e-Glue Terminology Project: a collection of workflow processes.
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 e-Glue Terminology Project: a collection of workflow processes. Process: series of consecutive online steps and actions required to bring about a desired result Topic: a description of each step or action Element: any component part of an online display Let’s talk a little about e-Glue Terminology. In e-Glue, a Project is a collection of workflow processes. At Iowa we are working to two simultaneous Projects – one for Iowa workflows and one for generic Aleph workflows. A Process is a series of consecutive steps or actions required to bring about a desired result. To go back to our previous example of searching for a record using the mini-scan, there are a series of steps the user must do in order to get that record displayed on the screen. First they must open the SCAN search dialog box, then they must choose an index to search, then they must enter a search term, then hit return or click the OK button. Next they must choose the desired record from the result list, highlight it, and press return or click the Brief or Full button as appropriate. All of these steps are combined to form a single process. A TOPIC in e-Glue is a description of each step or action along the way. And finally, an Element in e-Glue is any part of an online display, in our case any part of the Aleph client. It might be a record, part of record or a single field within a record.

9 Topics + Elements = Process Process + Process = Project
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Putting Them Together Topics + Elements = Process Process + Process = Project Topics and Elements are linked to create a Process or context sensitive help. Two or more processes or captured help elements are put together to create a Project.

10 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 What is a topic? A single step or action required to complete a discrete task or workflow Types of topics Help “balloons” External files Web pages As I’ve said, a topic is a single step or action within a process or it might be the pop up help that displays to the user to explain a step within a process. E-Glues allows for 4 types of topics. The first is “help balloons” which are simply popup balloons containing instructions or information about the capture element to which it is linked. But a topic might also be a link to an External file such as local docmentation or to a web site such as the Library of Congress Resource page. And finally, a topic might initiate an message that the user is required or requested to send in conjunction with a process.

11 Steps to Create a Process
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Steps to Create a Process Create topics in e-Glue Capture Elements in Aleph Link Topics to Captured Elements The steps involved in creating a Process are: Map out the steps involved to complete a task. Create a topic or topics to explain the steps or direct the user as to what to do at each step. Capture the Elements in Aleph Link the topics you’ve created to the captured elements.

12 e-Glue Builder Topic Explorer Context Navigator Process Navigator
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 e-Glue Builder Topic Explorer Context Navigator Process Navigator Control Panel Toolbars Change screens Notes Now I’d like to talk a little about the e-Glue Builder portion of the software. We’ll talk about the Topic Explorer, the Elements Navigator which has two modes, Context Navigator for context sensitive help and the Process Navigator to create workflow processes. The builder has a control panel that is used for moving between the builder and the viewer and for capturing elements of the aleph client. We’ll look briefly at the various toolbars available and we’ll also talk about two special types of steps within a workflow process, the change screen topic and a Note.

13 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Builder The Builder software has two basic parts – the topic explorer and the Elements Navigator.

14 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Topic Explorer When you are working in the topic explorer, there are two parts to it – the topic tree which shows the organization of all the topics and to the right is the topic editor.

15 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Elements Navigator The Elements Navigator is used to display the captured elements. The Elements Navigator has two modes: Context Navigator and Process Navigator As stated earlier, the Elements Navigator, on the left side of the screen, has two modes – the Context Navigator and the Process Navigator. If an element in the aleph client is captured while the Process Navigator is the active mode, that element is automatically added to the Context Navigator. However, if an element is captured while the Context Navigator is the active mode, that element is NOT automatically added to a process.

16 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Context Navigator When you capture an element of the Aleph software it is automatically added to the context navigator. Captured elements in the context navigator are organized according to the aleph software. You do not create folders and organize the context navigator. The topics you create are linked to the captured elements in the context navigator and this is what provides context sensitive help, available at the users discretion.

17 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Process Navigator The process navigator contains all of the processes that you’ve created. These can be organized any way you wish. When you receive the generic scripts, they will be organized according to client. However, you might find them more helpful if they are organized according to functional area within your library system. As with the context navigator, in the process navigator, elements are captured and topics are linked to them. Each captured element becomes a step in the process.

18 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Control Panel The Control Panel is part of the builder software and is available or hidden by means of clicking a button on the e-Glue toolbar that looks like a movie camera. The control panel allows you to easily move from builder to view and back again. Additionally, the control panel can be used to capture elements.

19 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Toolbars There are three separate tool bars within the e-Glue builder; one for the software as a whole, one each for the context navigator and process navigator and one for the topic explorer.

20 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Change Screen Change screen is a feature of the Process Navigator. It’s purpose is to direct the user to the screen he must go to in order to proceed with the process. Change screen will appear whenever the user has a different screen open than the screen to which the next topic is directed. Change screen will not disappear until the user is at the correct screen There are two “special features” of the Process Navigator that are not used for the context navigator. The first is the change screen. It’s purpose is to direct the user to the screen he must be on in order to proceed with the process. A change screen appears whenever the user has a different screen open than the screen to which the next topic is directed and the change screen will not go away until the user is at the correct screen.

21 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Change Screen There must be a Change Screen balloon at the top of every process directing the user to correct screen. The Captured Process itself starts at the first step on the correct screen NOT at a description of how to get to the correct screen. Every Process begins with a change screen which directs the user to the correct client and or the correct place within a client depending upon the first step in the process. Additionally change screens can be added throughout the process providing the user with information should they get to the wrong place in the process. The change screen only displays if the user is at the wrong place. So for example, if the user is already in Acquisitions and the first change screen of a process instructs opening the Acquisitions client, the change screen will be skipped and the first help balloon the user sees will be the actual first step in the process.

22 Notes Note is a feature of the Process Navigator.
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Notes Note is a feature of the Process Navigator. It is a balloon Topic that appears at the center of the screen but is not attached to a specific element. The Note’s purpose is to provide a space for random help in the middle of a Process. The second special feature of the Process Navigator is a Note. A Note is used to provide the user with information but it is not linked to a specific element. They pop up at the center of the current screen.

23 NAAUG 2003 - Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S
NAAUG Creating Aleph Workflow Scripts with e-Glue - S. Julich - University of Iowa Libraries 2/23/2019 Notes It will appear where ever it is placed in the Process, regardless of the users actions and will disappear when clicked on. The final step in every process is a NOTE that says “End of Process” Notes can be inserted anywhere into a Process and they pop up where ever they are placed within the process. The final step in every process is a note that informs the user he has completed the process. Let’s look at a generic workflow and context sensitive help.

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