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Presentation on theme: "Jamestown/Plymouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamestown/Plymouth

2 Location Jamestown, Virginia Plymouth, Massachusetts Warm climate
Fertile soil Good defensive positions Plymouth, Massachusetts Cold climate Rocky soil Excellent harbor Lumbering Fishing Trading Both: Good Anchorage

3 Reasons Jamestown Plymouth To expand English trade Wider markets
Financial profit Plymouth Religious freedom Keeping heritage Both: wanted to go to New world to Create a colony

4 Setbacks Jamestown Plymouth Lack of survival skills Lazy
Problems with natives Disagreements Lack of family unit Plymouth Hardworking Cooperative Both: Disease and Hunger

5 Religion Jamestown Plymouth
The Anglican faith (Official Church of England) Plymouth The puritan of congregational church (Protestant) Both: Religion was important The original church.

6 Government Jamestown Plymouth Representative Self governing
Both: Form of Democracy/Self Government

7 Native Americans Jamestown Plymouth Unstable
In the end they lived peacefully Plymouth They started peaceful Ended in war Both: Good and Bad relations with the Natives

8 Thanksgiving Jamestown Plymouth
Celebrated the thanks for the ships arriving Plymouth Was for bounty and blessing Traditional form of thanksgiving Both- Some sort of thanksgiving celebration

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