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Welcome to the Year 1 Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 1 Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 1 Information Evening

2 Our Year - Our Team Mrs Howard Mrs MacQuarrie Mrs Ruddy Mrs Oakley Mrs Thornhill

3 Weekly Timetable Worship 8.45-9.25 9.25-10.00 10.00- 10.30 Play time
Worship Play time lunchtime P l ay t ime M O N Phonics Literacy Maths Physical Development PSHE Story T U E Phonics   Guided Reading Guided Reading W E D Science Creative/ICT T H U R (PPA) Spellings / Show and tell (PPA) F R I Topic RE

4 What are the themes in Year 1?
-Term 1- Owl Babies -Term 2- Celebrations -Term 3- Burghley House -Term 4- Seasonal Change -Term 5 and 6- Rule Britannia

5 The children will be working on the Year 1 standards in the National Curriculum.
How do we judge how well your children are progressing? Sharing learning objectives and success criteria together. Questioning Partners/Small group work Guided groups Recorded work Summative assessment- PIRA, PUMA Photo evidence stored on school system Challenges

6 Maths: Term 1 Block 1 Reading, writing and using numbers.
Block 2 Addition and subtraction Block 3 Coin recognition and addition Block 4 Measurement- Time  Block 5 Geometry- 2D shapes School website –> Our Learning -> Maths support

7 English: Term 1 Block 1 Fiction -Owl Babies
- The Owl who was afraid of the dark -Night Monkey, Day Monkey Block 2 Non-Fiction - Information books about animals

8 Writing expectations for Year 1
Use spaces between words in writing. Use capital letters and full stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Use phonics when sounding out words to write. Explore spelling rules. Use tricky words spelt correctly. Read through work. Join sentences in different ways. Start sentences in different ways.

9 Reading expectations for Year 1
Fluent text Examples can be found in your pack Phonics screen in June including real and ‘alien’ words.

10 Science Materials Human body Changes in the seasons including weather.
- Animals Materials Human body Changes in the seasons including weather. Plants Trees

11 Homework Homework policy is on the school website
Homework consists of 6-8 spellings per week Reading books changed on Monday/Tuesday Maths some weeks Research and topic projects occasionally Given out on Friday and collected in on a Wednesday

12 What can you do to help your child?
Reading and writing float on a sea of talk Listening to your child read and questioning them about what they have read. Use numbers where possible especially counting. Use Maths in everyday situations, ask your child to tell you the time, what will it be in …? Encourage your child to be involved with money when shopping, using the right amount of coins etc. Ask them to write shopping lists, cards, a diary of a special occasion. Please complete homework as independently as possible.

13 Useful Information PE – This is on Monday with Mrs Howard and on a Thursday with Mrs Oakley. Children will need trainers or plimsolls, track suit bottoms, t-shirts, a zipped top and shorts for PE sessions. Children will be swimming on a Tuesday morning in Terms 2, 4 and 5. Please ensure that hair is tied back and earrings removed on these days. Forest schools will continue. This is a valuable learning experience for children. Children need to bring their water bottles -containing water every day (no squash thank you) Please keep big bags to a minimum as we do not have room to store things that do not fit in their lockers.

14 Remember the school website for additional information.
Our behaviour policy is all about positivity. We have marbles in the treasure chest. This leads to a very exciting treat day. Merits and flower certificates. We know that all children learn at different rates, please speak to us if you have any concerns. We have an open-door policy. We are committed to working with you. Parent helpers? Yes please. Spare clothes? Yes please.

15 We look forward to an exciting term and year ahead
We look forward to an exciting term and year ahead! Thank you for your time.

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