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Ms. Z’s News! The Week Of: October 3-7, 2016

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1 Ms. Z’s News! The Week Of: October 3-7, 2016
We are learning: Important Info: Spelling Words: (long o) Load, open, told, yellow, soak, shadow, foam, follow, glow, sold, window, coach, almost, throat, cold, most *tomorrow, *sailboats Reading: Pop’s Bridge (Journey’s) & The BFG Writing: Narratives Grammar: Nouns Social Studies: Paul Revere & Franklin Roosevelt Math: Addition & Subtraction Important Dates: 10/3/16 – Chick Fil A Night *Book fair (All week) *Progress Report 10/7/16 – Math Test S.S. Test Reading Test Spelling Test A message from Ms. Z: Spelling Words: (long o) Load, open, told, yellow, soak, shadow, foam, follow, glow, sold, window, coach, almost, throat, cold, most *tomorrow, *sailboats **If you would like to donate snacks for the class, please send in individually wrapped items. **Wish List items: Ink-HP63, board cleaner, staples, Clorox wipes, tissue **Please remember, your child still has a lot of time to bring up grades if they are low.  Birthdays: October: Nehemiah 10/3 Aliyah 10/20 Jad’on 10/30

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