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ESB Networks Market Release Meeting of the IGG, April 16th 2009

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Presentation on theme: "ESB Networks Market Release Meeting of the IGG, April 16th 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESB Networks Market Release Meeting of the IGG, April 16th 2009

2 ESB Networks Market Release : Agenda
1. Release Update – Feedback and Action Items 2. Next Steps 3. TAG Implications

3 ESB Networks Market Release : 1. Release Update
Current Status We have received feedback from two Market Participants to the proposals outlined at the IGG in March these and the ESBN responses are documented in the next slides We are planning to proceed with the timelines of November 2009 and May 2010 in which to release packages of work and by Mid-June we will be looking to come to final agreement on the content and scheduling of Market Release MCRs

4 ESB Networks Market Release : 1. Release Update – Feedback MCR0171
A Market Participant commented as follows: Proposal to add acceptance/completion/cancellation message to Meter Works Design [MCR0171]:this is not included in the list of proposed MCRs for the November market release and is only provisionally included for the May 2010 market release. As you are aware this MCR is a high priority for all Suppliers. A lot of work has already gone into the specification of this proposed market message. In the absence of the market message being available later this year the current manual process will need to be reviewed and a workaround agreed along the lines of the proposed market message. The detail of this can be discussed at a later date. ESBN response The initial design work that followed the specification of requirements has highlighted aspects that need further attention, and RMDS are progressing this. In addition, RMDS have taken on board the request to review the manual processes. Note that this is also the response to Action Item 472 A Market Participant commented as follows: The deferral of the M131 message until the May 2010 release was not expected as it would solve a serious market problem if this could be included in the November 2009 release and some other less important item deferred until May 2010. We are aware that there is a high importance around this item, however for ESB Networks it is significant in terms of the work required and could only be delivered in the May 2010 release.

5 ESB Networks Market Release : 1. Release Update - Feedback
A Market Participant commented as follows: MCR 0162 – SoLR process – more details about the elements that are being considered for the November 09 market release were requested ESBN response It is our ambition to deliver many of the components of MCR0162 for November 2009; however it will be mid-June before we can fully commit to the content that will be delivered in November. A Market Participant commented as follows: ESB Networks proposal to have a structured approach to planning for future market releases was welcomed by one respondent.

6 ESB Networks Market Release : 1. Release Update - Feedback
5 A Market Participant raised the following item : For planning purposes is the consideration that Bord Gais Networks could be organising a new schema at the same time as ESB Networks.  There needs to be some cooperation at Regulatory levels to ensure that there is no conflicts between any of the timescales for any of the schemas below as some suppliers will be active in all 4 markets viz. Electricity in Northern Ireland Electricity in Southern Ireland Gas in Northern Ireland Gas in Southern Ireland

7 ESB Networks Market Release : 1. Release Update – Action Item
6 Action item 476 : ESBN to respond to BGE in relation to concerns raised about MCR 170. Comment that the action here was to investigate the potential to implement MCR170 earlier than November. ESBN response Up to now the investigation has been focused on how to ensure that there is a sustainable level of access to the new webservice for all who require it, as well as protecting the availability of the Market Systems. This is non-trivial and is work-in-progress. Further updates will be provided at the April IGG. Update Internally various technical solutions are being considered, and we will update you further by Thursday next, 23rd April 2009      

8 ESB Networks Market Release : Agenda
1. Release Update – Feedback and Action Items 2. Next Steps 3. TAG Implications

9 ESB Networks Market Release : 2. Next Steps
We will keep you updated with information as it is available we will review outstanding items with you at the next IGG and as already discussed, by Mid-June we will be looking to come to a final agreement on the content and scheduling of Market Release MCRs

10 ESB Networks Market Release : Agenda
1. Release Update – Feedback and Action Items 2. Next Steps 3. TAG Implications

11 ESB Networks Market Release :
Thank You Theresa O’Neill Metering and Data Services ESB Networks 27 Lr. Fitzwilliam St Dublin 2 Ireland (External *

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