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Streamlining and making more effective monitoring and reporting

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1 Streamlining and making more effective monitoring and reporting
Andrej Kobe European Commission, DG Environment, unit C1 “Clean Air and Transport”

2 Content of the presentation
Uverture: current obligations for new MS Concepts Process Actions Monitoring Requirements: existing/upcoming Provisions & harmonization Reporting Content Technical issues Supplier/User perspective Presentation limited to AQ FWD/DD + NEC

3 Obligations New Member States
Note prepared by C1, cleared by A2 (DG ENV legal unit) Obligations apply only after accession, therefore AQ Dirs/Questionnaire 2004/461/EC (data 2003): voluntary submission September 2005 (Data 2004) most MS prepared to report full year, recommended Enforceable since May 1st NEC 2001/81/EC Inventories, 2010 projections : first submission at 31 December 2005 National programmes Unreasonable without inventories, also past obligation (2002) Participation in NP update 2006 Recommended preparation ASAP 2010 closing in Active Participation in NEC revision Communication to the Cion appreciated

4 Concepts Streamlining Simplification Effectiveness
Arrange different instruments to work well together Use same instruments, where appropriate Use appropriate tools (electronic reporting etc.) Balance need to know/good to know Clear, harmonized definitions, requirements, follow-up Simplification Remove double reporting Remove superfluous monitoring/reporting Effectiveness Is it fit for purpose? ‘Bang for the buck’ Indicators and user perspective

5 Process DG ENV Cooperation EEA, ETC/ACC, JRC, MS Groups/networks
C1 Implementation CAFE (including Workshops) Horizontal initiatives (between T/S, INSPIRE…) Cooperation with other units (CC, Emissions, EH/Urban, Water, Soil) Other activities: revision of AQ structural indicators Cooperation EEA, ETC/ACC, JRC, MS Groups/networks WG’s Implementation, PM, Equivalence AQUILA EIONET Data Exchange Group Steering Group

6 Actions T/S : general description of the issue Action
Revision of AQ Directives (+ changes in EoI) NEC revision Continuous upgrade tools EEA, ETC/ACC Future development (modelling, new monitoring techniques)

7 Monitoring FWD 1,2,3 DD revision 1.
Assessment of AQ Toolshop/best practices exchange Fixed/continuous & indicative monitoring Clear, harmonized requirements and DQO Measurement methods EN standards Equivalence Appropriate position for modelling QAQC, FWD Art.3 Ends covered (JRC+NRL/AQUILA, AIRBASE/ETC), work on measurement/reporting chain Ongoing AQUILA work

8 Monitoring FWD 1,2,3 DD revision 2.
Upcoming Transition PM10/PM2.5 Making monitoring more health relevant (ongoing contract) Background monitoring / EMEP (equivalence issue) Indicators and users (Are we getting what is wanted?) Users Cion (compliance, monitoring impl., policies development) EEA, MS, research&health, public Additional provision to assure data availability for selected indicators

9 Monitoring 4 DD - Upcoming requirements
New requirements Ar,Ni,Cd in ambient air BaP in ambient air Hg, PAH in ambient air Ar,Ni,Cd,Hg,PAH in deposition Background monitoring requirements Harmonization EN standards, CRM(?) in preparation Streamlining with EMEP

10 Reporting Streamline – Content (Data)
Streamlining FWD&DDs + EoI Merits of the rep AQ Dirs and EoI undisputed / fine tunning needed Methodology : statistics should give same numbers Re-evaluation of mandatory/non-mandatory requirements for efficient use of information Common definitions/classifications Inclusion of 4th DD User perspective Quality data and metadata with defined DQO (non-ambiguity) Efficient tools to retrieve data based on metadata selection Double, obsolete 3 year reporting (3rd DD) Details

11 Reporting Streamline – Content (PP,Inv)
Plans and Programmes (FWD&DDs) Template provided Workshop exchange sufficient, or further guidance needed? Reporting programmes after attainment date National programmes (NEC) Addressed in NEC review (EEA + ongoing contract) WG Implementation - Guidance Emission Inventories (NEC) Link to CLRTAP through CORINAIR (legal issues?) Link/Integration with GHG MM Double reporting NEC/Gothenburg P User perspective Comparability between programs relevant information (governance, attainability prospects, costs, synergies and trade-offs) Evaluation Coherence with other policies (urban, transport, climate change)

12 Reporting Streamline - Technical issues
Data Exchange Group ‘turf’ Electronic reporting Legal aspects, practical considerations Enhanced use of EEA reporting tools (Reportnet) A bit more SG tomorrow FWD&DDs + EoI 2004/461/EC combined reporting exceedances for all DDs EoI code in 2004/461/EC (Linkage EoI/FWD) Provisional ozone reporting Inclusion of 4th DD data DEM,AIRBASE : possible import for data from random and indicative sampling QAQC data and metadata Procedures resubmissions of past data appropriate demonstration of equivalence / correction factors Assessment Harmonisation in spatial data reporting Enhanced public access / Aarhus Tools (EEA;ETC/ACC, MS)

13 Reporting Streamlining - Time
Timing issues Supplier side – timeliness of delivery Systematic Gothenburg : impossible timing for EU party NEC/GHG MM Problems Too much, too complex reporting requirements? Non-optimal delivery tools User side Provisional ozone reporting (October Council) EoI – no time to upload, prepare data from last year in AIRBASE for its use in structural indicators (Spring Council)

14 Streamlining Conclusions Input from MS, CAFE SG
No grand scheme – no specific WG Stakeholders in different fora Input through WGs, SG, DEG, bilateral (with Cion, EEA) Proposal: commenting Cion note(s) on the subject ‘Target based’ approach (Changes in their ‘environment’, importance of details) AQ Dir revision NEC revison Technology aspects Reporting tools and delivery processes Enhanced public access Spatial aspects & data assimilation Important inputs still pending, still time to contribute DEG, Cion contracts, AQUILA, EIONET Immediate reporting issues: SG tomorrow (or note)

15 Thank you for your attention!

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