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U.S. History Tuesday, Writing:

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Tuesday, Writing:"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History Tuesday, Writing: A group of people have united in rebellion against an imperial power. After defeating this power, a new nation is created. List and explain the various needs and concerns that must be addressed in order for this new country to be successful.

2 U.S. History Tuesday, Units I and II Test Using your answer sheet go over each item to determine correct answers. Ask questions

3 Units I and II Test U.S. History Tuesday, 10-7-14
Many argue that the American Revolution was inevitable; considering the historical events from colonization to the Declaration of Independence leads one to believe that the declaring of independence was the only solution. Others argue that the American Revolution was not inevitable; although tensions were strong between the colonies and Britain, actions could have been taken to avoid declaring independence and the violence of war. Based upon what you have read and what has been discussed, choose one side of this argument and support your position. You should consider the many various concepts and events upon which we have focused so far (the motivation for colonization by both sides, the system of mercantilism, slavery and Native American affairs, international conflicts, religion, social structures, etc.)

4 Units I and II Test Avoidable Compromise Position Unavoidable
U.S. History Tuesday, Units I and II Test Avoidable Compromise Position Unavoidable

5 Units I and II Test Formality – State Thesis
U.S. History Tuesday, Units I and II Test Formality – State Thesis Organization – Five Paragraph Supporting Details Conclusion

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