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Presentation on theme: "Microorganisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microorganisms

2 Definition of a Microorganism
Derived from the Greek: Mikros, «small» and Organismos, «organism» Unicellular microscopic organism Can exist in homgenous populations Colonies Can exist in heterogenous populations Biofilms Includes bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoans

3 Micro_? Amino acid Optical microscope Electronic microscope Human eye
0.1nm nm nm nm 1 µm µm 100 µm 1 mm 1 cm Atom Amino acid Protein Virus Oganelle Bacteria Plant cell Animal cell Protists Fungi Ant

4 Microscopy Staining

5 Stains Basic : Positively charged Acid : Negatively charged
Interacts with negative groups Ex. Plasma membrane Acid : Negatively charged Interacts with positive groups Ex. Glass

6 Positive Staining Staining of the specimen

7 Negative Staining Staining of the background Large rod Small rod

8 Method Simple Staining Single staining agent Basic or acid stain
Positive or negative staining Allows to determine the size, shape, and grouping of cells

9 Cell Shapes Coccus: Spheres Division along 1,2 or 3 axes
Number of axes along which division occurs gives rise to different groupings Typical groupings according to bacterial genus

10 The Cocci (Coccus) Axes of Division Grouping Diplococcus (2)
Streptococcus (4-20) Tetrade (4) Staphylococcus (4-50)

11 Cell Shapes (Cont’d) Rods : Division is only along one axis
Typical groupings according to bacterial genus

12 Les Bacilles Axes of division Grouping Bacillus (1) Diplobacillus (2)
Streptobacillus (4 -12)

13 19th Century - Robert Koch
Observation: Heaps of bacteria (colonies) of different sizes, colors, and shapes grow on potato slices exposed to ambient air Colonies

14 Conclusion: Colonies are pure cultures arising from single cells of different bacteria since a colony spread repeatedly generates identical colonies

15 Koch (Cont’d) Problem : Solution :
Several bacteria cannot grow on potatoes! Solution : Uses gelatin as a solidifying agent Creates different solid media from liquids such as blood

16 Koch (Cont’d) Disadvantage of gelatin Solution – Agar
It is digested by several microorganisms It is liquid at temperatures above 28oC Solution – Agar Polysaccharide derived from an algae Remains solid at temperatures >37oC Melts at 100oC Is not digested by most bacteria

17 Conclusion: Les colonies sont des cultures pures originaires de cellules uniques de différentes bactéries puisqu’une colonie étalée de façon répétée génère des colonies identiques

18 Mixed Cultures

19 Colony Morpholgies

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