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Implementing the Atkinson Review

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Atkinson Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Atkinson Review
David Caplan

2 A national accounts perspective
Background What’s actually happened Issues Key learning points

3 Background Output measures in national accounts from 1998
Additional indicators added By becoming an area of concern Atkinson review launched to find a way forward

4 National accounts changes related to the review
Health - Blue Book 2004 Revisions to current price data Further changes in June 2005

5 The issues - process Peer review of methods But insufficiently robust
Need to review methods and data

6 The issues data availability
Atkinson report identifies issues Difficulty where available data not fit for purpose Need to define minimum standards Beyond “better”

7 The issues - incorporating data
Need to link on to existing time series Need techniques for interpolation and extrapolation

8 The issues - national accountant v others
Different perspectives What is education output Compounded by political dimension Need to recognise different perspectives

9 The issues - current price data
Data derived from administrative system Weaknesses in classification To COFOG Transfers and final consumption Working to improve data

10 The issues - public perception of integrity
Highly political environment Criticism from all sides Need carefully managed and transparent process Pre-announcement

11 Some conclusions Resource the work properly
Be vigilant - sources decay Need links with policy and delivery departments Understand the different perspectives Define process - and follow it.

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