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Lab 2 Part I Instructions

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1 Lab 2 Part I Instructions
By Yeong Choo and Sam Kanawati The University of Texas at Austin, January 29, 2018

2 Lab Overview For this lab, we generate the sinusoidal signal in software and output to the oscilloscope for observation and measurements. Keep in mind that there will be hardware limitation such as voltage and frequency. We are not using signal generator for this lab. Remember the Nyquist’s sampling theorem, the required sampling frequency for sampling and reconstructing a signal, must be greater than twice of the largest frequency component in the signal.

3 Sinusoidal generation using WinDSK
Connect your DSP board with the PC through the USB-UART cable. Switch on SW1-2, SW1-3, SW1-4, SW1-8, keep all the others off. Reset the board. Run winDSK8 on the PC, and then follow page 92 in the real-time DSP book. Observe Fig 5.7. Connect the line-out port on the board with oscilloscope. You can play around with the gain and the frequency in order to see how the shape of the sinusoid changes.

4 DSK implementation in C -- Project Setup
Please connect the DSP board to the PC using the XDS100v2 JTAG port, and connect the oscilloscope to the line out port. Please follow the instructions in “ for the detailed steps to create a project. However, in Step 3 of A.5 Adding Files to a Project, the following change has been made: Navigate to the “..\code\chapter_05\ccs\sigGen” directory and select StartUp.c and “sinGenerator_ISRs.c”. Open the “sinGenerator_ISRs.c” program, and examine the “interrupt void Codec_ISR()” function. See how the library function calls have been used in generating the sinusoid. Run the code in order to see the waveforms displayed on the oscilloscope.

5 DSK Implementation in C -- Project Edit
Open the program “DSP_Config.h”. Comment out the line “#define SampleRateSetting AIC3106Fs48kHz // 48kHz sample rate” Uncomment the line to set the appropriate sampling rate “#define SampleRateSetting AIC3106Fs8kHz // 8kHz sample rate” Also change the sampling frequency in the program sinGenerator_ISRs.c in the line “Int32 fs = 48000; /* sample frequency */” to 8000Hz. Change the code to implement sinusoidal generation using the difference equation method. Generate sinusoids at frequencies of 1 kHz and 2 kHz, with a sampling frequency of 8 kHz. Note that some of the variables should be defined as static variables so that they won’t be allocated as new variables every time ISR function is called. Please provide one screenshot showing 1 kHz sinusoid on channel 1 and 2 kHz sinusoid on channel 2 in lab report. Now generate two sinusoids at frequencies 1 kHz and 7 kHz, and send them to the left and the right channel respectively. Observe the oscilloscope waveforms. Explain what happened mathematically. Repeat with two sinusoids at frequencies 2 kHz and 6 kHz. Please provide two screenshots in lab report.

6 Lab Report Submission Requirement
• Please refer general format listed under “Lab Report” section at,

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