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Rainfall Erosion Detachment and Transport Systems

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1 Rainfall Erosion Detachment and Transport Systems
P.I.A. Kinnell University of Canberra

2 Soil Erosion involves the detachment of soil material at some place
and the transport of this material away from the site of detachment Two linked processes

3 Erosion but no soil loss
Soil Erosion Soil loss occurs when particles are detached from the surface of the soil matrix and transported across some boundary Loose detached particle boundary Deposition Detachment Transport Erosion but no soil loss

4 Detachment and Transport on Hillslopes
Onset of rain: Raindrop detachment (RD) + splash transport (ST) covers the whole slope

5 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) The detachment and transport system associated with Splash Erosion

6 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) The detachment and transport system associated with Splash Erosion

7 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) On horizontal surfaces particles splashed back and forth

8 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) On horizontal surfaces particles splashed back and forth and a layer of loose previously detached particles forms Previously detached particles

9 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) Previously detached particles protect soil surface from detachment But are splashed Previously detached particles

10 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) Splashed particles come from both soil surface and layer of previously detached particles Previously detached particles

11 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) On sloping surfaces more splashed down slope than up so more erosion as slope gradient increases but previously detached particles get thicker in down slope direction Previously-detached particles

12 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) Erodibility = susceptibility of eroding surface to erosion depends on (a) splash of particles immediately after detachment AND (b) splash of previously detached material Previously-detached particles

13 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detachment & Splash Transport (RD-ST) Erodibility = kS (1-H) + kPDP H ks = erodibility when no PDP H = degree of protection provided by the PDP (0 - 1) kPDP = erodibility when fully protected kPDP ks Previously-detached particles

14 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Occurs when raindrops impact shallow flow

15 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Uplift caused by raindrop impacting flow Flow

16 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Uplift - Fall Flow Particles move downstream during the saltation event

17 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Layer of previously detached particles – depth increasing downstream Flow

18 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Saltation (RIS) Erodibility = kS (1-H) + kPDP H Flow

19 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Suspension (RD-FS)

20 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Suspension (RD-FS) Uplift

21 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Suspension (RD-FS) Uplift - Suspended > FS Fall > RIS at low flow velocities Particles in Suspension RIS Particles transported by RIS travel slower than by FS

22 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Driven Saltation (RD-FDS) Uplift - Suspended > FS Fall > FDS at higher flow velocities Particles in Suspension FDS Particles transported by FDS travel faster than by RIS

23 Detachment and Transport on Hillslopes
Once runoff develops With clay, silt and sand particles: 3 transport systems with raindrop detachment RD + splash transport (ST) RD + raindrop induced saltation (RIS) RD + unassisted flow transport (FS & FDS)

24 Detachment & Transport Systems
Flow Detatachment & Unassistred Flow Transport (FD-FT)

25 Detachment & Transport Systems
Flow Detatachment & Unassistred Flow Transport (FD-FT) Uplift results from flow energy

26 Detachment & Transport Systems
Flow Detatachment & Unassistred Flow Transport (FD-FT) Uplift results from flow energy Transport: Suspended Load & Flow Driven Saltation Particles in Suspension FDS

27 Efficiency of Transport of
Sand, Silt and Clay particles Splash Transport Raindrop Induced Saltation Flow Driven Saltation Flow Driven Suspension Increasing

28 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Induced Rolling (RIR) largely associated with gravel particles Move downstream by rolling Flow Wait for a subsequent impact before moving again Flow Driven Rolling (FDR) may also follow RD

29 Detachment and Transport on Hillslopes
Raindrop detachment (RD) erosion systems RD + splash transport (ST) RD + raindrop induced saltation (RIS) RD + raindrop induced rolling (RIR) RD + unassisted flow transport (FT) (suspension, saltation, rolling) Flow detachment (FD) erosion systems FD + unassisted FT (suspension, saltation, rolling)

30 Detachment and Transport on Hillslopes
Toposequence Raindrop detachment (RD) erosion systems RD + splash transport (ST) RD + raindrop induced saltation (RIS) RD + raindrop induced rolling (RIR) RD + unassisted flow transport (FT) (suspension, saltation, rolling) Flow detachment (FD) erosion systems FD + unassisted FT (suspension, saltation, rolling) Toposequence may expand and contract one or more times during an event

31 Sheet Erosion Sheet erosion refers to erosion where a portion of the soil surface layer over a relatively wide area is removed somewhat uniformly. Detachment & Transport Systems RD - ST RD - RIS & RIR RD - FS (& FDS & FDR)

32 Rill Erosion Rill erosion refers to erosion in small channels that can be removed by normal cultivation. Detachment & Transport Systems FD – FS & FDS & FDR

33 Interrill Erosion Interrill erosion refers to erosion in interrill areas Detachment & Transport Systems RD - ST RD - RIS & RDR RD - FS (& FDS & FDR)

34 Flow Detatachment & Unassisted Flow Transport (FD-FT)
Rill Erosion Flow Detatachment & Unassisted Flow Transport (FD-FT) Energy absorbed in transport leaves less energy for detachment Flow Suspension FDS

35 Flow Detatachment & Unassisted Flow Transport (FD-FT)
Rill Erosion Flow Detatachment & Unassisted Flow Transport (FD-FT) Energy absorbed in transport leaves less energy for detachment Process based models – eg WEPP DF = erodibility (flow energy) (1 - [qs/Tc]) qs = sediment discharge Tc = transport capacity (max sed. discharge) (1 - [qs/Tc]) = 0 if qs = Tc so DF =0

36 Rill Erosion DF = erodibility (flow energy) (1 - [qs/Tc]) qs = sediment discharge Tc = transport capacity (max sed. discharge) Water and sediment flows from interrill areas to rills. Interrill erosion contributes to qs and reduces DF Rills may often simply act as efficient transport routes for interrill erosion

37 Rill Erosion . Rills may often simply act as efficient transport routes for interrill erosion Non erodible layer

38 Detachment & Transport Systems
RAIN WITH NO RUNOFF RAIN WITH RUNOFF Fine Particles RD-FS Silt & Sand RD-RIS RD-FDS Clay, Silt & Sand RD-ST FD-FDS,FS NO EROSION E < Ec, Ω < Ω(bound) A B Ec τc (bound) τc (loose) Raindrop Energy (E) Flow Shear Stress (τ) Diagram summarising the interaction between raindrops and flow in respect to determining the detachment and transport

39 Detachment & Transport Systems
RAIN WITH NO RUNOFF RAIN WITH RUNOFF Fine Particles RD-FS Silt & Sand RD-RIS RD-FDS Clay, Silt & Sand RD-ST FD-FDS,FS NO EROSION E < Ec, Ω < Ω(bound) A B Ec τc (bound) τc (loose) Raindrop Energy (E) Flow Shear Stress (τ) Critical drop energy for detachment

40 Detachment & Transport Systems
RAIN WITH NO RUNOFF RAIN WITH RUNOFF Fine Particles RD-FS Silt & Sand RD-RIS RD-FDS Clay, Silt & Sand RD-ST FD-FDS,FS NO EROSION E < Ec, Ω < Ω(bound) A B Ec τc (bound) τc (loose) Raindrop Energy (E) Flow Shear Stress (τ) Critical drop energy for detachment Critical flow “energy” for detachment

41 Detachment & Transport Systems
RAIN WITH NO RUNOFF RAIN WITH RUNOFF Fine Particles RD-FS Silt & Sand RD-RIS RD-FDS Clay, Silt & Sand RD-ST FD-FDS,FS NO EROSION E < Ec, Ω < Ω(bound) A B Ec τc (bound) τc (loose) Raindrop Energy (E) Flow Shear Stress (τ) Critical drop energy for detachment Critical flow “energy” for detachment Critical flow “energy” to move previously detached material

42 Flow Transport Critical flow energy for maintaining transport
Detachment (controlled by cohesion) Transport of previously detached material Critical flow energy for maintaining transport Varies with particle size

43 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Transport (RD-FT) Uplift - Suspended > FT Fall > RIFT at low flow velocities Flow Transport RIS Particles transported by RIS travel slower than by FT

44 Detachment & Transport Systems
Raindrop Detatachment & Flow Transport (RD-FT) Flow velocities can increase to above those that favour RIS Uplift - Suspended > FT Fall > FT (Bed Load) Flow Transport FT

45 Rainfall Intensity and RIS
Particle travel distance - the distance travelled after lifted into flow by a drop impact Drop impact Particles must be within a distance from a boundary that is less than the travel distance in order to pass across that boundary Particles upstream of the “active” zone require many impacts to move to the active zone

46 Rainfall Intensity and RIS
Particle travel distance Drop impact Particles must be within a distance from a boundary that is less than the travel distance in order to pass across that boundary Sediment discharge varies with particle travel distance (X varies with flow velocity & particle size )

47 Rainfall Intensity and RIS
Particle travel distance 3 parallel flows same velocity but different particles Travel 3 times faster than Sediment discharge varies with particle travel distance (X varies with flow velocity & particle size ) and drop impact frequency (varies with rain intensity)

48 Rainfall Intensity and RIS
0.2 mm sand

49 Rainfall Intensity and RIS
Particle travel distance In real life a large number of travel distances occur at the same time in same flow Travel 3 times faster than Sediment discharge varies with particle travel distance (X varies with flow velocity & particle size ) and drop impact frequency (varies with rain intensity)

50 Modelling rainfall erosion
Knowledge of the 4 detachment and transport systems essential to interpreting the results of experiments However, so called process-based models do not usually deal with the complexities to any large extent – leads to difficulty when parameterisation is based on experiments

51 Modelling rainfall erosion
WEPP Interrill Model Interrill erodibility evaluated experimentally - approx 65 mm/h intensity - soil loss after 15 mins, 25 mins, 35 mins + used to produce single erodibility value for each soil Dominated by RD – RIFT and RD – FT Interrill Erodibility = kS (1-H) + kPDP H kS, kPDL, and H all unknown Difficulty in relating erodibility to soil properties

52 Some References KINNELL, P.I.A. (2005). Raindrop impact induced erosion processes and prediction. Hydrological Processes (in press) KINNELL, P.I.A. (1994). The effect of predetached particles on erosion by shallow rain-impacted flow.Aust. J. Soil Res. 31(1), KINNELL, P.I.A. (1993). Sediment concentrations resulting from flow depth - drop size interactions in shallow overland flow.Trans ASAE 36(4), KINNELL,P.I.A. (1990). The mechanics of raindrop induced flow transport.Aust. J. Soil Res. 28,

53 Peter Kinnell University of Canberra Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

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