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America Becomes a Colonial Power.

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Presentation on theme: "America Becomes a Colonial Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 America Becomes a Colonial Power

2 What is Imperialism? Economic and Political domination of a strong country OVER a weak country

3 Types of Imperialism Protectorate: weaker nation stays in power but has to accept advice of stronger nation Sphere of influence: when a foreign nation enjoys privileges in another region

4 Essential Question: Why did America join the imperialist club at the end of the 19c?


6 1. Commercial/Business Interests
Industrial Revolution created need for: Raw Materials Market to sell manufactured goods U. S. Foreign Investments:

7 1. Commercial/Business Interests American Foreign Trade: 1870-1914

8 2. Military/Strategic Interests
Mahan’s book stated all great nations had a large navy Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea Power on History:

9 The Great White Fleet: 1907

10 3. Social Darwinism Anglo-Saxonism: English speaking nations had superior characters, ideas, and systems of government It is social Darwinism abroad “the Anglo-Saxon is divinely commissioned to be … his brother’s keeper.” Josiah Strong

11 3. Social Darwinist Thinking
The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race Duty of Americans/Europeans to “civilize” lesser peoples

12 4. Religious/Missionary Interests Christianize the savages

13 5. Closing the American Frontier
Manifest Destiny had closed the North American continent. Overseas was only place left to go

14 Japan

15 Commodore Matthew Perry Opens Up Japan with force: 1853
The Japanese View of Commodore Perry

16 Hawaii: "Crossroads of the Pacific"

17 Why do we want Hawaii? Sugar Plantations owned by Americans
Back a Revolution against Hawaiian Queen U.S. Navy helps Sanford Ballard Dole

18 Other reasons for wanting Hawaii?
U.S. wants it for shipping routes and military bases

19 U. S. View of Hawaiians

20 To The Victor Belongs the Spoils
Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898

21 Pan-Americanism

22 Pan-Americanism Latin America and the U.S should worked together to advance the interests of the Americas

23 https://app. discoveryeducation. com/builders/boards

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