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Constitution Word Definition Picture Sentence

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution Word Definition Picture Sentence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution Word Definition Picture Sentence
The written document that states a set of rules that guides how our country is ran. Constitution Judges use the Constitution when they make important decisions.

2 howling Word Definition Picture Sentence Very great
The school car wash was a howling success.

3 humble Word Definition Picture Sentence Modest, not proud
The young boys were humble when they received their award.

4 politics Word Definition Picture Sentence The work of government
If you want a life in politics, you must win the public’s trust.

5 responsiblity Word Definition Picture Sentence
the act of taking care of someone or something; obligation/duty responsiblity Taking care of a puppy is a big responsibility.

6 solemnly Word Definition Picture Sentence seriously; with dignity
Mr. Brooks solemnly saluted the flag.

7 vain Word Definition Picture Sentence
having too much pride in your looks, or abilities vain The model was a very vain person and difficult to work with.

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