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Anatomy of the Nervous System

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy of the Nervous System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy of the Nervous System
Central nervous system (CNS) Spinal cord Brain Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Nerve outside the brain and spinal cord




5 Brain

6 Regions of the Brain Telencephalon Diencephalon Brain stem Cerebellum

7 Brain Stem Parts of the brain stem Medulla oblongata Pons Midbrain

8 Medulla oblongata Fig A sagittal section of the brain. (Photograph by Kevin Fitzpatrick on behalf of GKT School of Medicine, London.) 8

9 Pons Fig A sagittal section of the brain. (Photograph by Kevin Fitzpatrick on behalf of GKT School of Medicine, London.) 9

10 functions Major Components of Brainstem
Cranial nerve nuclei & related structures Long fiber tracts ascending and descending Cerebellar paths and circuits Reticular formation & related structures Functional Divisions Cranial nerve abnormalities Long tract deficits (motor & sensory) Ataxia (cerebellar origin) Impaired level of consciousness (RF)

11 Midbrain Fig A sagittal section of the brain. (Photograph by Kevin Fitzpatrick on behalf of GKT School of Medicine, London.) 11


13 Cerebellum Fig A sagittal section of the brain. (Photograph by Kevin Fitzpatrick on behalf of GKT School of Medicine, London.) 13

14 Functions Balance Motor Skill

15 Regions of the Brain Telencephalon Diencephalon Brain stem Cerebellum

16 Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Epithalamus

17 Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

18 Ventricles and Location of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

19 Regions of the Brain Telencephalon Diencephalon Brain stem Cerebellum

20 Cerebral gray and white matter
Corpus callosum

21 Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex (lateral surface)
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal Lobe Occipital lobe

22 Basal ganglia

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