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Conclusions! Summarizes your essay and points

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Presentation on theme: "Conclusions! Summarizes your essay and points"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conclusions! Summarizes your essay and points
It is a mirror image of your introduction: it starts specific and gets broader. Include only things talked about END STRONG!!!!

2 Conclusions What are the 3 parts of a introduction paragraph? 1. Hook
2. Thesis 3. Preview

3 Classy Conclusions You need to avoid receiving a slow clap from your audience! Restate thesis Summarize important information End with a final idea

4 Transition Sentence Gives the reader a roadmap that you are concluding. Does not provide substance. Merely shifts from body paragraphs to conclusion I have loved my three years at EMS…

5 Your Turn: Transition Try writing a transition sentence from your second body paragraph to your conclusion. Ex: It is clear from Chopin’s purposeful use of religious symbolism and sensuous diction that she does not intend to moralize or critique Calixta’s sexual appetite.

6 Restate Thesis Try to restate your thesis in different words and/or deeper thinking. Ex: Rather, through her unlikely heroine, Chopin shows women to be full, sexually expressive beings with needs and desires beyond their domestic duties.

7 Types of Final Ideas 1. A statement about the significance of the essay's subject (Why was it important for the reader to know what you just finished explaining?) 2. A call to action

8 Final Ideas 3. A warning based on the essay's thesis
Example: If efforts to reduce and recycle are not soon put into effect, we will be polluting our own nest beyond habitation. 4. A quotation or story that sums up the essay's point, may be taken from your text or your personal experience, etc.

9 Final Ideas 5. An image or description that lends a feeling of finality to the essay. 6. A question (based on the essay's point that makes the reader think further about its implications. BUT the question must be carefully worded so that the reader does not wonder WHAT to think.) 7. Refer back to your introduction.

10 Your Turn: Final Ideas 1. Statement of significance 2. Call to action
3. A warning 4. Quotation 5. Relevant story 6. An image 7. A question

11 A good intro paragraph starts with a…
Hook Thesis Preview Transition sentence

12 “I love living in the United States.” is a…
Hook Thesis Preview Transition sentence

13 “For these reasons, I would choose me.” is a…
Hook Thesis Preview Transition sentence

14 New information should not be presented here…
Conclusion paragraph Introduction Paragraph

15 A good intro paragraph _____ a conclusion P.
Mimics Differs from Mirrors Is identical

16 Participant Scores Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3
Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5

17 In conclusion…

18 Put it all together… Who was a role model for you and why?
Now, write a complete conclusion paragraph using the skills we have learned!

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