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Microgrids: Future of Power Delivery?

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Presentation on theme: "Microgrids: Future of Power Delivery?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microgrids: Future of Power Delivery?
Daniel Zimmerle Senior Research Associate Colorado State University

2 What are Microgrids Actually Good For? Thoughts from Past Experience
Expeditionary Military High-Penetration PV-Diesel Developing World Improvement: 25-40% Over a power island currently loaded with 1 load set per generator

3 What do Microgrids Actually Do?
Technical Economic Practical Deal with issues closer “to the source” Localize power management Examples: Remote power delivery Integrate distributed resources Secondary or independent layer of value accounting Provide a “premium product” at attractive price Examples: Campus energy mgmt. Local, low-cost, generation Co-location of generation & loads Operation under grid failure conditions Examples: Island operation Power quality improvement

4 Three interesting cases
Three Thoughts Step right up! Let’s play “Microgrid … but …” Three interesting cases

5 The Hurricane Sandy Hypothesis Scenario 1: Power Up when Grid Down
Microgrid! But … Island operation = using local generation & control Local generation available for energy or peak shaving Scenario for: Tough locations: Remote power of the line” Poor systems: Track record of blackouts or quality issues Is grid down or is local distribution down? Why are μGrid lines up when surrounding lines down? Microgrid or undergrounding? Why not UPS + standby generation? How much is “how long” worth? Keeping an unused power control system operational when used 1 time in N years

6 The DG Postulate Scenario 2: μGrids Enable Distributed Generation
Microgrid! But … Local control & resources smooth high DG penetration Aggregate DG dispatch Manage local power demands Scenario for: DG- & RE-heavy locations RE beats grid price Is your distribution grid really a limiter to RE connection? Few utilities know what, when, or where RE will be a problem. Is multi-source μGrid control necessary to meet customer & utility goals? Why not just control ramp rates? Use AMI to do load shedding? Is it real, or is your tariff structure making it real?

7 The Behind-the-Meter Paradox Scenario 3: Customer Go Micro Without You
Microgrid! But … Single-customer “≈μGrid” Near net zero generation grid parity energy price Dropping storage prices Stay grid connected Actively control utility power purchases Scenario for: RE beats peak grid price Utility has poor track record High value customer Is it real, or is your tariff structure making it real? Energy sales  Tariff Asset costs  Op. Costs What service is customer requesting but not getting?

8 Thank You! Contact Dan Zimmerle Dan Zimmerle

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