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Figure 2 Schematic of normal and abnormal liver regeneration

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1 Figure 2 Schematic of normal and abnormal liver regeneration
Figure 2 | Schematic of normal and abnormal liver regeneration. a | Regeneration in the normal liver follows partial hepatectomy or moderate liver injury. In this setting, bile acids are rapidly upregulated, and serum factors are able to rapidly induce regeneration in the liver. Non-parenchymal cells; macrophages, hepatic stellate cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) signal to hepatocytes to leave their mitotically quiescent state and enter mitosis. Hepatic stellate cells are not activated to myofibroblasts and there is little or no scar tissue. b | Regeneration in the abnormal, chronically damaged liver is hampered by several factors. Hepatocytes are increasingly senescent and unable to divide efficiently, the hepatic stellate cells are activated to myofibroblasts and excessive scar tissue inhibits regeneration. Excessive cellular debris inhibits efficient liver regeneration. FGF, fibroblast growth factor; LSEC, liver sinusoidal epithelial cells. Forbes, S. J. & Newsome, P. N. (2016) Liver regeneration — mechanisms and models to clinical application Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. doi: /nrgastro

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