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Guide to Using Excel For Basic Statistical Applications

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1 Guide to Using Excel For Basic Statistical Applications
To Accompany Business Statistics: A Decision Making Approach, 6th Ed. Chapter 10: Hypothesis Tests for One and Two Variances By Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith Prentice-Hall Publishing Company Copyright, 2005

2 Chapter 9 Excel Examples
Testing Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines

3 Testing-Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines
Issue: System programmers believe that the original ATM computer program will result in a higher standard deviation in transaction times than the new program Objective: Use Excel to help test a hypothesis about the standard deviation of two groups. Data file is ATM.xls

4 Testing-Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines
Open File ATM.xls

5 Testing-Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines
Click on Tools, then Data Analysis and finally on F-Test for Two Sample Variances

6 Testing-Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines
Supply Variable Ranges, Significance Level, and Output Range Click on OK.

7 Testing-Two Variances - Bank ATM Machines
Since F = > F critical = 5.38, reject Ho and conclude that the variance for Original Software exceeds that for the new system

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