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Intro to STAR Link Heidi McFadyen Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to STAR Link Heidi McFadyen Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to STAR Link Heidi McFadyen Introduction

2 Describe the basic functionality of
Objectives Describe the basic functionality of STAR Link® Use advanced features in STAR Link, including STAR Link Query and notes Ask the class how experienced they are (or aren’t) with STAR Link, and discuss different levels of expertise.

3 Logging in to test environment
Open Google Chrome Go to Favorites Choose STAR Link Test User name: dcc001 Password: Password1 We’re going to be doing a lot of demo-ing today Go to Chrome – you should have a favorite saved called STAR Link Test

4 Resources First things first…I wanted to make sure you know where your resources are for STAR Link… Activity Write in below what chapters in the STAR Link User’s Guide cover the following topics: New user set up ______________________6_____________ Filtering the pending search screen______14_____________________ Prelim Health History Screening Questionnaires ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__23___________  Add in the answers! 

5 What does STAR Link do? Maintains the donor record and all donor information Receives new requests for searching patients from transplant centers Communicates activity dates to NMDP for financial reimbursement Helps donor centers manage their work

6 STAR Link Basics – Home Screen
Donor Folder: The Donor Folder houses all donor information gathered from donors at the time of recruitment. This includes all records of the donor’s contact information. The Donor Folder also includes a snapshot of the donor’s search history, communication history and notes entered into the donor folder. Drives Folder: This folder is for entering recruitment drives, and pull reports about specific drives. Reports Folder: STAR Link has several different reports available for print including both search and recruitment activity. Reports come out Search Folder: Search requests are located in the Search Folder. Each stage includes a series of screens, including Home, Donor, Recipient, Notes, Kits, Health History Questionnaire, etc. Maintenance Folder: This folder holds several different administrative functions, including new user set up, donor center defaults, site maintenance and STAR Link Query. Help Folder: Includes information about STAR Link and the STAR Link User Guide.

7 STAR Link Basics – Pending Screen
Clicking on any search stage will bring you to a detailed screen showing all of the requested donors for that particular search stage. For example, clicking on the Workup hyperlink brings the user to the pending search screen for all workup activity. Activity: Sort the pending workup requests list by earliest request date. What is the oldest request in the list of workup activity? How many requests are at the workup initiated stage?

8 STAR Link Basics – Assigned to

9 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Notes
Activity: Group discussion: Do you use STAR Link notes at your donor center? What is the value of putting notes into STAR Link?   Participants should discuss that it gives transparency, makes us all look connected, good for an emergency time away from the office, and can act as a record for manufacturing.

10 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Activity: What types of information can you find from each section? Why would you need to pull a query from that data ? Maybe reduce to a subset of the really common requests? This hones on why they’d want to do these queries…Could give each table one of the six topics to talk about, give them 3 or 4 minutes, report out to the group. .. Recruitment 2.. Donation History 3.. Search Activities

11 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query

12 STAR Link Advanced Studies – Query tips
Tip: It’s all about that sort – brush up on Excel skills! Less is more! Let the sort do the work.

13 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 1: Choose Registry Status For this query, we’re going to choose all statuses, and move them over to the selected column using the arrows.

14 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 2: Choose data point to query You want to know all of the marrow collections that happened in a given timeframe. Go to Donation History, and enter the date range for the Donated Marrow Date

15 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 3: Select and View

16 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 4: Choose query output

17 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 5: Export

18 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Step 5: Excel

19 STAR Link Advanced Studies - Query
Pull a list of donors who have donated PBSC in the last two years

20 STAR Link Reports

21 STAR Link does that? Question: What does it mean when a date in STAR Link is highlighted in yellow? Answer – date was fed into STAR Link –it was entered by CM.

22 STAR Link does that? Question: Your colleague accidentally changed a donor address in wrong folder. Where can find the donor’s previous address in STAR Link? Answer: the Donor audit

23 STAR Link does that? Question: Where can I find out if a donor has been receiving the registry e-newsletter? Answer: Communication History

24 STAR Link does that? Question: Can I find out how many of my donors were tagged for prelim last month? Answer is in the event portal – only keeps the last two months of donors tagged for prelim.

25 How do I report STAR Link issues?
Service Center (612) (800) x3411 It’s helpful to include in your DID/RID Search stage, if it affects an active patient request The problem is in “STAR Link” Screenshot Write this down.

26 Send questions on STAR Link to your assigned donor center liaison
Class dismissed Send questions on STAR Link to your assigned donor center liaison Gold stars!

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