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Chapter 3 By: Michael Toth

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1 Chapter 3 By: Michael Toth
Ancient Greece Chapter 3 By: Michael Toth

2 Introduction Mycenaean Age- Mycenaean Greece was the last phase of the Bronze Age in Ancient Greece from BC. The Mycenaean's were very aggressive and war like. Mycenaean Bronze Dagger Later the Mycenaean's saw that they can take control of Crete, when the Civilization of Crete was destroyed by a erupted volcano and tsunami.

3 Early Greek Writing HW Question #1- What did the Mycenaean's learn from the Minoans? They learned a concept of writing. The name of the writing is called Linear A by Sir Arthur Evans. Also another type of writing that was found is called Linear B found on an island across from the discovery island of Linear A. When discovering Linear B the archeologists found over 1,000 clay tablets in Pylos. They said it looked similar to the writing found at Knossos by Evans. The tablets turned out to be an inventory list of articles stored in the palace. The inventory was “ one pair of wheels bound with silver.” Clay tablet Clay tablet in Linear B in Linear A

4 The Mycenaean Rules Later as I said in my Intro the Mycenaean's took control of a vast network of trading station in Crete that stretched from Sicily (an island of the coast of Italy) to Syria. After taking control of Crete the Mycenaean’s established a colony on the island of Cyprus in order to To control the local copper supply Which can make bronze for war. The Mycenaean’s realized that the Pirates were such a threat to the merchants so they had to close many markets and open them later In different spots.

5 The Mycenaean Trade

6 Troy Narrow strait leads the Mediterranean Sea into the Black Sea This channel is called Hellespont (modern named Dardanelles). HW Question#7- Why was Troy’s location a strategic one? The entrance to the strait was a important strategic site, because whoever built a city there could control the Black Sea trade and become rich by charging ships to get through the strait. Troy(Greeks called it Ilium) occupied that land and became rich. Later, Troy was not expecting this but the Mycenaean’s invaded and defeated Troy. It was a great victory but seemed to be their last. The Mycenaean's then became rich since they charged coming boats

7 Troy


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