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Particle Physics Script Notes: Introduce who we are

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1 Particle Physics Script Notes: Introduce who we are
What the presentation is about Particle Physics Presented by Laura Johnson, Catherine Jones, Catherine Cutts and Victoria Green

2 Atomic Model The Electron The Proton Charge: -e Antimatter equivalent:
the positron Charge: +e Antimatter equivalent: Anti-proton Atomic Model Script Notes: Reminds people about the standard atomic model. Explanation of antimatter, with diagram/object Charge: 0 Antimatter equivalent: Anti-neutron The Neutron

3 Scale An atom 10-10 m The nucleus 10-14 m A proton 10-15 m Electrons
Script Notes: Shows the scale of the atomic model (but we’ve times everything by ! ) “Imagine looking for a specific ant between here and Manchester!” A proton 10-15 m Electrons 2 x giraffe height 10 m Large ruler 1m Ant width 1mm 10-18 m 100 km!

4 If we had some way of breaking this particle apart…
Is a neutron… …fundamental? Fundamental What could lie inside? …we could find out! Script Notes: Explain the meaning of fundamental The search begins! If we had some way of breaking this particle apart…

5 Originally physicists investigated sub-atomic particles using cosmic rays.
When cosmic rays from space hit big atoms (e.g. lead) smaller particles were sprayed out. At high altitudes there are more cosmic rays so they went to the tops of mountains to conduct their experiments. The Search Begins... Physicists started to build devices which accelerated particles to near to the speed of light and collide them target atoms. The resulting pieces from the collision are analysed and tell us about what’s inside the particles… …Kind of like smashing a watch to find out how it works! LEAD Script Notes: N/A

6 Particle Accelerators
A modern day particle accelerator CERN Location: Geneva, 100 meters underground Circumference: 27km (making this the worlds largest machine!) Speed: can accelerate protons to % of the speed of light Particle Accelerators Script Notes: “The largest manmade machine searching for the smallest particles”

7 Particle Accelerators
It takes a long time (and distance) to get the particles up to the required speeds so to save space the track is circular (like at CERN!). The charged particle is accelerated by large voltages and kept moving in a circle by magnets. s Particle Accelerators s s s

8 Particle Accelerators
Target particle Inside a particle accelerator.. Particle Accelerators Script Notes Use balloon demonstration firstly, then play animation Electron

9 Particle Accelerators
Positron Inside a particle accelerator.. Particle Accelerators Using antimatter! Lovely. About time for a demonstration? (balloons and sweets) (demonstration before antimation) Electron

10 These are traces of where the particles have been
These are traces of where the particles have been. We analyse them and then figure out what they are. What we found... Quarks Leptons (electrons etc.) Neutrinos Fill in slide.. To make the presentation flowwwwwww… (Charged particles move in circles in a magnetic field)

11 Quarks Strange -1/3 Up +2/3 Charm +2/3 Top +2/3 Bottom -1/3 Down -1/3
Quarks are one of two things that make up all matter! There are 6 types of quarks Quarks Strange -1/3 The name originally came from the book Finnegans Wake where seabirds give "three quarks“ like the quack of ducks... The charges of quarks are fractions of the charge on an electron. This all adds up, as you’ll soon see!! I’ll de-waffle this later. Up +2/3 Charm +2/3 Top +2/3 Bottom -1/3 Down -1/3

12 Quarks The quarks make up the inside of protons and neutrons.
The Up and Down Quarks are the only quarks that are in normal matter. The stuff you and me are made of! Quarks No charge! +e charge! +2/3e -1/3e -1/3e -1/3e +2/3e +2/3e neutron proton

13 Quarks cannot be separated
Quarks cannot be separated. The force that holds them together is too strong. If you pull enough in the quarks, two other quarks will appear in between them. Quarks Nice quarky pictures!

14 The leptons are a family of elementary particles (particles that cannot be broken into smaller pieces). The lightest one is the electron. There are two other different types of leptons, the muon and the tau. Muons are found in cosmic rays (high energy particles that come from outer space). Leptons (Each of these has a related neutrino, which we’re going to talk about now)

15 Neutrinos have a very, very low mass, (so low that we have only just proved that they have a mass at all!) They can pass through the whole of the earth without being stopped no force acts on them much. It is very hard to detect neutrinos. And we try and detect them by using: 470 tonnes of ‘dry cleaning fluid’ A deep, underground mine A team of keen physicists Neutrinos

16 There are three types of neutrino (one for each lepton) Electron neutrino Muon neutrino Tau neutrino
They come from nuclear decay, for example in the sun. When a supernova occurs there is a burst of them. Neutrinos might be part of dark matter, since we cannot detect them easily and there are lots of them. But we don’t think it can make up much, because their individual masses are soooo small. Neutrinos I’m freeeeeeeeeeee

17 Forces So, what next? Lets look at forces.. Gravitational
Electro-magnetic Weak nuclear Strong nuclear Weight Friction Air resistance Reaction Tension Magnetic Electrical Radioactivity Holds protons together Forces

18 An extremely high temperature…
Yes, that’s it, there are really only four forces. Forces The big bang… An extremely high temperature… Theoretically, all four forces were unified at the big bang and also can be unified at extremely high temperatures (only we’ve not managed to created such a high temperature yet!). But that still doesn’t explain why particles have mass…

19 The bowl that is full of sweets is like a particle
The bowl that is full of sweets is like a particle. You are like a Higgs field. The bowl is harder to get moving because the field is around it. If the bowl had different sweets in it, it might be slowed down more. The particle is slowed down according to its mass. (i.e., the number of sweets in the bowl) This is like the Higgs Field at work! A bowl without sweets is like a particle with no mass, for example light. The Higgs Boson Sweetie demonstration!

20 If I started a rumour and it passed around the room, the field would be disturbed without there being anything there. The Higgs boson is like this clustering. The Higgs field is what give the particles their mass. The LHC is going to look for this as well as lots of other things. If it doesn’t find it, we’ll be very surprised… ….and a completely new theory will have to be developed to explain why particles have mass! The Higgs Boson

21 Particle physics is based around answering these two main questions:
- What are the fundamental (smallest) building blocks from which all matter is made up of? - What are the interactions between them that govern how they combine and decay? Our research so far has lead to: - the world wide web - extreme development in computer processing power - understanding of basic quantum technology What we could achieve: - (quantum) superior computers, - (quantum) dynamic treatment for diseases - (strong and weak forces) a near-infinite energy supply Why we do this...

22 Thanks for listening! This presentation was brought to you by
Laura Johnson Catherine Jones Catherine Cutts Victoria Green of Nottingham High School for Girls With thanks to Mr Price Mrs Bell And The University of Birmingham, for all the resources they have provided Thanks for listening!

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