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Decisions about children caught at crossing border

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1 Decisions about children caught at crossing border

2 The Trump administration is exploring holding children caught crossing the border on military bases, signaling the latest effort to move forward with plans to split up families who cross the border illegally. According to a Defense Department official, staffers from the Department of Health and Human Services have begun informally looking at three sites in Texas and one in Little Rock, Arkansas. No official request has yet been submitted so no decisions have been made at this time.. The official said Defense Department facilities had been used in this manner before, including during the Obama administration. A Department of Homeland Security said for the reasons why that their policy is if you break the law, they will prosecute you.

3 In Other News North Korea threatened to abandon that planned historic summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump, set for next month in Singapore. The North said it wasn't going to be pushed into nuclear disarmament by the US. This comes after the regime suddenly suspended high level-talks with South Korea because the South is currently conducting military drills with the US. This sudden step backward comes after Kim's well-received meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in a few weeks ago, in which the two leaders vowed to officially end the Korean War. As Palestinians bury their dead, Israel faces the wrath of the international community over the deaths of 60 protesters killed by Israeli troops at the Gaza border. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was "profoundly alarmed" by the killings, and the UK wants an independent inquiry. The leaders of France and Germany expressed their concerns to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. One country that's not slamming Israel: the US, which blamed the deaths on Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza and which encouraged the protests related to the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Monday's violence was the deadliest day in Gaza since 2014.

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