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Course Guide CT 1501.

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1 Course Guide CT 1501

2 OUTLINE Course Description Course Objectives List of Resources
Course Calendar Course Location & office hours Attendance policy Other Polices How to Study for this course

3 Course Description This course covers the major aspects of web programming and development. It starts with a short introduction on the web fundamentals and underlying technologies, HTML, Cascading Style sheets and JavaScript (Client Side Dynamic Content). The course then proceeds to cover Server Side Web Application Development in depth, including the web database development and ASP.

4 Course objectives Students that complete this course successfully should be able to: Gain a good understanding of what needs to be done in order to develop professional Web sites. Gain a good understanding of how to develop professional Web sites. Avoid difficulty related to the Web site development life cycle. Have the ability and confidence to plan, design, implement, develop, launch and maintain successful professional Web sites. Recognize and identify between what gets results and what is possible to accomplish. Have the ability to understand what makes bad sites bad and what makes good sites good.

5 List of resources Main Resource:
Book: Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program, Paul Deitel, Prentice Hall; 5th Ed. Book: Programming the World Wide Web, Robert W. Sebesta (7th or 8th Edition) Lectures Notes Other Recources: W3C:

6 Course Calendar No. Assessment Task Week Due
Proportion of Final Assessment Evaluation Weekly 10% Group Project 15 Apr 20% Mid Exam 1 W 6 15% Mid Exam 2 W 11 Final Exam 13 May 30% Total 100%

7 Evaluation Each Evaluation will require the student to demonstrate her ability to apply what she has learned in class, ranging from basic HTML, to forms, framesets, CSS and JavaScript.

8 Exams Two Major exam each is worth 15%.
No Made-exams will be without a medical excuse or “something major”. Final exam is worth 30% and all chapters will be included

9 The project It is a team project. Planning and developing a website.
Should be done in stages. You will submit a report and softcopy of your project (CD) It weights 20% of your final assessment mark.

10 How to Study for this course
Take notes at class. Read through PPT slides. Read through learning resources offered. Go over exercises.

11 Course location & office hours
Lectures: 1506: Tuesday 9-10,Thursday 8-10 412: Sunday 11-1 , Thursday 11-12 Lab: 1507: Sunday 11-1 1203: Monday 11-1 Office hours:10-12 Sunday,Thursday Location: Building 26, Office 3

12 Attendance Policy 10 minutes late student will be marked as absent.
25% absence will cause detention .

13 Other policies Late assignments will be not accepted.
Assignments with Plagiarism is marked as ZERO. Mobile phones should be silenced and out of sight.

14 Good Luck !!

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