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Do now – Red box activity!

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Presentation on theme: "Do now – Red box activity!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now – Red box activity!
I’ve marked your books and have given you each individual tasks and questions to complete and respond to. You must complete these inside the red box in your books using your green pen . These may be spellings, grammar, redrafts, extension questions… Make sure you read each point carefully and ask if you are unsure. You have 10 mins only! TIF: Use your green pen to go back through your book and respond to other comments I have made

2 Date: Saturday, 23 February 2019
Marriage in decline? To identify trends in marriage in Britain To analyse the reasons for current trends in marriage Starter: Describe the trends demonstrated in this graph.


4 Why is marriage in decline?

5 Task: Work your way around each station to extract information about the reasons for the decline in marriage. At each station you must: Read the information Summarise the information in your own words Extract any evidence (statistics etc) Note and define any keywords in your glossary TIF: How strong is this evidence? Can you identify any issues with the reliability?

6 Station 1

7 Station 2

8 Station 3

9 Station 4

10 Station 5

11 Station 6

12 Station 7

13 Is marriage still important?
Date: Saturday, 23 February 2019 Is marriage still important? To evaluate whether sociologists would agree that marriage is still important in Britain Do you think what Sociologists would agree that marriage is still important?

14 Intro Arguments supporting statement (that marriage is important in Britain today) Arguments against statement (reasons why marriage is not important in Britain today) Additional arguments (e.g. rise in same sex families) Conclusion – how far would sociologists agree that marriage is important in Britain today?


16 Plenary A question you have about today’s lesson
Things you have been reminded on in today’s lesson Things you have learnt in today’s lesson

17 Just a minute

18 Just a minute Single parent family

19 Just a minute Extended family

20 Just a minute Same sex family

21 Just a minute Reconstituted family

22 Just a minute Cereal packet family

23 Just a minute Socialisation

24 Just a minute Social control

25 Non-participant observation
Just a minute Non-participant observation

26 Just a minute Sample

27 Just a minute Observer effect

28 Just a minute Closed questions

29 Just a minute Gender

30 Just a minute Status

31 Just a minute Qualitative data

32 Just a minute Values

33 Just a minute Ethnicity

34 Just a minute Culture

35 Just a minute Reliability

36 Just a minute Confidentiality

37 Just a minute Conformity

38 Just a minute Open questions

39 Just a minute Informed consent

40 Just a minute Primary data

41 Just a minute Questionnaire

42 Participant observation
Just a minute Participant observation

43 Just a minute Norms

44 Just a minute Quantitative data

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