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Securing faculty and admin support: an introduction

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1 Securing faculty and admin support: an introduction
Monica Hammes University of Pretoria Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

2 Agenda Another round of advocacy Academics Students Library IT Department Student Administration Research Department Create a supportive environment Build lasting relationships Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

3 The stakeholders Institutional management/leadership Visibility leading to prestige Authors: academics or students Visibility leading to career advancement One location – in perpetuity Library New role – new direction Research Department Coherent view of research output Publishers Copyright owners 888 Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

4 The contributors Institutional management/leadership
Authors: academics or students Library Research department IT department Student administration Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

5 Working definition for advocacy
To persuade others to lend support and credibility by committing resources (buy in) Advocacy is about explaining and promoting the key concepts to stakeholders who need to understand what OA&IRs are, why they are important and the benefits of depositing their research Advocacy and service development go hand in hand Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

6 What is important for them
Academics/ Authors What is important for them Access to their work and citation Influence on career opportunities Reputation in scientific community Work/information overload Security Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

7 The benefits that will excite them
Academics/ Authors The benefits that will excite them Increase in citation: % Funding opportunities Automating the creation of one’s research record Supporting a variety of formats Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

8 The benefits that will excite them (2)
Academics/ Authors The benefits that will excite them (2) Security, copyright cared for Preservation and document migration Copyright policy assues attended to Worldwide access (?) Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

9 Academics/ Authors What is their role in securing success
Populating the IR Active participation Influencing their students and other collaborators Changing their copyright management Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

10 Academics/ Authors What is their role in securing success
Populating the IR Active participation Influencing their students and other collaborators Changing their copyright management Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

11 Academics/ Authors Their concerns
Disruption of traditional publishing model Publishing jeopardized (copyright) Quality of self-archived work (association) Time consuming, inflexibility and lack of functionality Fifteen Common Concerns (and answers to them) at Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

12 Academics/ Authors Their concerns (2)
Preservation and security Not my community Prefer personal or group web pages (ease and control) Culture of disciplines Some would rather use subject repositories Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

13 Academics/ Authors Their concerns (3)
No relationship with reward system Should form part of the publication process or at least the institutional reporting system Fear of plagiarism and being scooped What serials crisis? Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

14 Advocacy Campaign Target group: Benefits, concerns, aspects, language, medium What do they know, gaps in knowledge Attitudes What do you want them to know? Time scale Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

15 Advocacy Campaign Communication plan
Advocacy toolkit: presentations, brochures, etc Top-down or bottom-up or both? Blanket or targeted Work with champions Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

16 ETDs are a good value proposition (3)
5 ETDs are a good value proposition (3) The case of Dr Terefe Belehu





21 His published articles will be made accessible in UPSpace

22 Advocacy Campaign : Emerging authors
New/young academic staff Postgraduate students Reluctant authors Other staff Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

23 Campaign Goal (EA) Increase knowledge, raise awareness
Build on their NetGen attitude Establish good copyright management Make them feel in control Increase their visibility Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

24 Campaign Strategy (EA)
Demonstrations and informal discussions, good statistics Workshops and presentations , listservs, brochures etc Wiki or blog Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

25 Create a supportive environment
Library populates it Deposit on their behalf (mediated submission) Provide infrastructure and the necessary tools Prove that it works – stats Use it yourself Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

26 Create a supportive environment (2)
Guidance and help - Tutorials - Website with all necessary information - Workshops - One-to-one kick start sessions Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana








34 Build solid, lasting relationships
Communicate regularly - Changes in the environment - New staff - Refresh awareness - Solve problems swiftly Keep track of their changing environments Share results and good news Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

35 Useful web sites Central Queensland University Institutional Repository Policy (URL too long and complicated – search with Google) Jennifer de Beer at IR Workshop May JISC/SURF : Partnering on copyright JISC: FAIR Synthesis: Advocacy materials Peter Suber’s newsletter (SPARC) Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

36 Questions? Open Access (OA) and Institutional Repository (IR) : new models for scholarly communication June Accra, Ghana

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