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All content from Tim Elmore’s Habitudes Experience

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1 All content from Tim Elmore’s Habitudes Experience
Week 2: Nihilism All content from Tim Elmore’s Habitudes Experience

2 What is Nihilism? Nihilism is “the rejection of all moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.” When someone becomes a nihilist, they appear skeptical, negative and disbelieving. They respond in conversations with sarcasm and cynicism. Even pessimism. “Why try?”, they ask. “It won’t make any difference.” Share a time that someone in your school, sports team or home life showed signs of nihilism: No names or ways to identify them, speak in general Focus on how it negatively effects you and others How can you help turn their negative attitude to a positive one?

3 Four Possible Actions Go with them on a service trip, local or global, and do something meaningful. Involve them in a sacrificial project, serving people who can do nothing in return. Talk about it afterward. What problems need to be solved? Talk about a time in your life when you thought things were helpless and how by having a positive attitude everything was great. Stress the importance of being positive and offering hope. Introduce them to a person who’s experienced far more trauma, hardship or even depression and emerged stronger in the end. Meet with this person and talk about how they made sense of the meaninglessness in their life. Offer to go to a counselor or a responsible adult with them

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