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4 FIGURE 7.30 Typical winter sea surface temperature departure from normal in °C during the Pacific Decadal Oscillation’s warm phase (a) and cool phase (b). (Source: JISAO, University of Washington, obtained via the www: Used with permission of N. Mantua.) Fig. 7-30, p.196

5 Table 8-1, p.203

6 FIGURE 8.2 Air mass source regions and their paths.
Fig. 8-2, p.203

7 The formation of lake-effect snows
The formation of lake-effect snows. Cold, dry air crossing the lake gains moisture and warmth from the water. The more buoyant air now rises, forming clouds that deposit large quantities of snow on the lake’s leeward shores. p.204a

8 Areas shaded purple show regions that experience heavy lake-effect snows.

9 FIGURE 8.2 Air mass source regions and their paths.
Fig. 8-2, p.203

10 FIGURE 8.4 Visible satellite image showing the modification of cP air as it moves over the warmer Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Fig. 8-4, p.206

11 FIGURE 8.2 Air mass source regions and their paths.
Fig. 8-2, p.203

12 FIGURE 8.8 An infrared satellite image that shows maritime tropical air (heavy red arrow) moving into northern California on January 1, The warm, humid airflow (sometimes called “the pineapple connection”) produced heavy rain and extensive flooding in northern and central California. Fig. 8-8, p.209

13 FIGURE 8.2 Air mass source regions and their paths.
Fig. 8-2, p.203

14 FIGURE 8.11 A weather map showing surface-pressure systems, air masses, fronts, and isobars (in millibars) as solid gray lines. Large arrows in color show air flow. (Green-shaded area represents precipitation.) Fig. 8-11, p.213

15 FIGURE 8.12 A closer look at the surface weather associated with the cold front situated in the southeastern United States in Fig (Gray lines are isobars. Dark green-shaded area represents rain; white-shaded area represents snow.) Fig. 8-12, p.213

16 Fig. 8-13, p.214 FIGURE 8.13 A vertical view of the weather across the cold front in Fig. 8.12along the line X–X’. Cold front

17 FIGURE 8.14 A “back door” cold front moving into New England during the spring. Notice that, behind the front, the weather is cold and damp with drizzle, while to the south, ahead of the front, the weather is partly cloudy and warm. Fig. 8-14, p.215

18 Fig. 8-16, p.216 Warm front FIGURE 8.16 Vertical view of clouds, precipitation, and winds across the warm front in Fig along the line P–P’.

19 Fig. 8-17d, p.218 FIGURE 8.17 The formation of a cold occluded front. The faster moving cold front in (a) catches up to the slower-moving warm front in (b)and forces it to rise off the ground (c). (Green-shaded area represents precipitation.) Fig. 8-17c, p.218

20 Fig. 8-18c, p.219 FIGURE 8.18 The formation of a warm-type occluded front. The faster-moving cold front in (a) overtakes the slower-moving warm front in (b).The lighter air behind the cold front rises up and over the denser air ahead of the warm front. Diagram (c) shows a surface map of the situation. Fig. 8-18b, p.219

21 Table 8-4, p.219

22 FIGURE 8.11 A weather map showing surface-pressure systems, air masses, fronts, and isobars (in millibars) as solid gray lines. Large arrows in color show air flow. (Green-shaded area represents precipitation.) Fig. 8-11, p.213

23 FIGURE 10.15 Surface conditions that can produce a dryline with severe thunderstorms.
Fig , p.267

24 FIGURE 8.19 The idealized life cycle of a wave cyclone (a through f) in the Northern Hemisphere based on the polar front theory. As the life cycle progresses, the system moves eastward in a dynamic fashion. The small arrow next to each L shows the direction of storm movement. Fig. 8-19, p.220

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