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Quick fixes versus sustainability; What works for those truly furthest from the labour market. Geraldine Scott-Smith Steve Hawkins.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick fixes versus sustainability; What works for those truly furthest from the labour market. Geraldine Scott-Smith Steve Hawkins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick fixes versus sustainability; What works for those truly furthest from the labour market.
Geraldine Scott-Smith Steve Hawkins

2 Pluss’ vision People of all abilities are inspired to achieve a career

3 Work Choice 1:12 57% 50% 35% 3053 starts….. …..ratio …..sustained jobs
… work 50% 35% …..job starts I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with. Job starts since start of programme conversion is 35% of all people starting (ignoring transitions) we have found a job for. Sustainability rates – job starts – sustained is 57% (6 months and over). Target is over 85% 48% above profile. 188 target, 279 sustained outcomes. Yr 2 data 65% end of year target sustained employment. Sustained outcomes 116% of profile has been achieved. Since day one conversion rate 57%. Dwp published data. KPI 3 sustained unsupported job outcomes (DWP target 60%) EC – 12:1 average

4 Careers Empower Sustain Innovate Culture and Value Employers
Employers Personalisation Micro Enterprise I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with. Traineeships Sustain Innovate 4

5 Pluss Traineeship Work Choice © External Learning Core Team Workforce
Locality Employment Bureau Core Workforce Trainees Work Choice External Learning Team How does the Pluss Model work The concept; A route to mainstream employment for disabled people using the ILM as vehicle to move to unsupported employment Development of a Social Enterprise that has Skills & Learning and a key principle Development of skilled integrated core workforce based on ability Use of buddying & mentoring Use accreditation within Model with PTLL’s Multi discipline approach (Employment Bureau, Work Choice Team, Learning Team, Enterprise) Model to use TSI and other interventions to challenge long held myths on disability not ability (use Barnstaple jig learning, dis team re-engineering tasks)

6 Careers Empower Sustain Innovate Culture and Value Employers
Employers Personalisation Micro Enterprise I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with. Traineeships Project SEARCH Sustain Innovate Intensive support 6

7 Matthew Bennell Our perspective is work programme will not provide an appropriate model? Is this assumption correct? Interactive seesion so we can understand the reality? What innovative delivery do you use that provides this intensive support? If so what is it? How do you provide intensive support when you don’t have the upfront funding to do it? Disincentives What are the barriers and the negative impact 7

8 I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with.

9 I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with.

10 Resources critical for effective delivery…
….Work Choice model allows for this PBR commercials – a fundamental conflict with this need? Our perspective is work programme will not provide an appropriate model? Is this assumption correct? Interactive seesion so we can understand the reality? What innovative delivery do you use that provides this intensive support? If so what is it? How do you provide intensive support when you don’t have the upfront funding to do it? Disincentives What are the barriers and the negative impact 10

11 Are our concerns justified?
Our perspective is work programme will not provide an appropriate model? Is this assumption correct? Interactive seesion so we can understand the reality? What innovative delivery do you use that provides this intensive support? If so what is it? How do you provide intensive support when you don’t have the upfront funding to do it? Disincentives What are the barriers and the negative impact

12 What are the challenges within existing models?
Debate… What are the challenges within existing models? What does best practice look like? I’ve been working on the stats and we can say that, of the 3053 people who have started with us on Work Choice around 50% are in work. Based on 983 leavers and 557 people currently in module 1. Still working on some other stuff for Martin & I’ll let you know what I come up with.

13 Plenary and next steps? Thank you
Highlighted what works, barriers and impacts. What do we do next to feedback to DWP.

14 People furthest from the labour market
JSA 18-24 JSA 25+ JSA Early JSA Ex - IB ESA Ex-IB ESA Flow ESA Vol People furthest from the labour market 1,200,000 1,000,000 600,000 600,000 From our perspective, 400,000 200,000 14

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