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Vocabulary Unit 4 Words th Grade

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1 Vocabulary Unit 4 Words 1 - 5 8th Grade

2 (v.) to distribute in shares or portions
During relief efforts after the earthquake in Haiti, families were allotted certain amounts of food supplies. Allot: (v.) to distribute in shares or portions

3 My little brother loves to amass as many Pokémon cards as he can.
(v.) to gather, especially for yourself

4 (adj.) bold and adventurous
The audacious archaeologist bravely traveled alone to South America to seek her fortune. Audacious: (adj.) bold and adventurous

5 George was happy to comply Mellissa’s request for a job interview.
(v.) consent (agree) to a request or demand

6 (adj.) lacking in something
Melvin was so devoid of energy that he couldn’t even walk to his classroom. Devoid: (adj.) lacking in something

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