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The Meaning of “Burned Branches” John 15:6

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1 The Meaning of “Burned Branches” John 15:6
Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 3:6-15

2 Recap - The identity of the vine and the branches - The identity of the fruit (inner and outer) - The identity of the fruit-bearing process 1) being clean overall (initial salvation) 2) being continually cleaned, partially (present-tense salvation)

3 Recap (cont) - The identity of the fruit-bearing process 3) abiding (feeling at ease) in Christ by valuing how God sees us in Christ as true riches 4) the removal of non-fruit-bearing branches (removed from further opportunity to bear fruit, NOT removed from initial salvation. The root is still in the Vine)!

4 Now verse 6 clarifies the conclusion of “branches that are taken”
Introduction Now verse 6 clarifies the conclusion of “branches that are taken”

5 The Believing Branch and the Fire Jn 15:6
One who no longer feels at ease in Christ Cast outside (the Vine) as the branch of vs 2 The branch = the believer’s life of opportunity for fruit-bearing while here on earth) This branch then results in dryness Cf Lk 8:6,13

6 The Believing Branch and the Fire Jn 15:6 (continued)
These cast out, dried branches are gathered Heb 1:14; Lk 16:22 They are cast into the fire and burned The early non-productive lives of believers, who are still in Christ (cf I Cor 3:11-15)

7 The Judgment of a NT Believer’s Works I Cor 3:11-15
Fruits of actions (works) are judged at the Bema Seat II Cor 5:9-10 Good and worthless works are proved by the fire I Cor 3:12-13 Abiding works are rewarded (5 possible crowns) Vs 14

8 The Judgment of a NT Believer’s Works I Cor 3:11-15 (continued)
Burned works result in loss (of reward), NOT initial salvation! Vs 15 The believer shall himself be saved, “yet so as through fire.” i.e. saved from the taint of worthless works Vs 15; II Cor 5:10

9 Conclusion The fire of John 15:6 consumes any remaining opportunities of fruit-bearing for the consistently carnal believer here on earth. Heb 12:6

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