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Sponge Write a paragraph about what you need in order to survive.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponge Write a paragraph about what you need in order to survive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponge Write a paragraph about what you need in order to survive.

2 Sponge What lesson did ecologist learn from the Kaibab deer?

3 Sponge What affect do predators have on an animals population?
Why do scientists calculate carrying capacity for certain organisms?

4 Sponge How is knowing the carrying capacity of an area helpful?
What factors can affect carrying capacity?

5 Sponge Explain how energy flows through an environment.

6 Vocabulary Habitat- a place where an organism lives and has its needs met. Competition-two or more species (individuals) trying to use the same limited resources.

7 Limiting factor- a needed resource that is in limited supply.

8 II. Needs of Living Things
Water W.A.F.S. b. area c. food d. shelter e. air f. Proper temperature

9 Vocabulary 1. Producers- Can make their own food. Ex. plant
2. Consumers- Must eat(consume) other organisms To get food. 3. Decomposers- Organisms that get their food by Breaking down the nutrients in Dead organisms or animal wastes.

10 Sponge What is a limiting factor?
What would be an example of four limiting factors?

11 Carrying Capacity- the maximum number of organisms
That can live in an area and still have their needs met.

12 Interdependence- the way living and
Non-living things depend on each other. Niche- an organisms role in their environment; job

13 Sponge How does the loss of one organism affect the
other organisms that live in their community?

14 Sponge What did the lab “Capture the Wild Bean” have to do with carrying capacity ?

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