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Research Accounting Office

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1 Research Accounting Office
KPIs Q1 2015/16

Summary: Annual (last 12 months) cost statement submissions numbers are below the annual target for the first time over the last few years. Output for the first quarter did not reach the planned quarter target, resulting in funders engagement on the change seen regarding on outstanding reports and their requirement to meet their annual budget drawdown. Increased backlog trend in o/s cost statements, an increase to 67 from 40 in the previous Quarter. This is the first time in a number of years the KPI metric has not been met. OS Cost statements at the end of Dec 2015 is 28% higher than Dec 2014 The major contributing factors to the above continue to be; Project detail issues and the substantial continual additional time dedicated to advise the Research Office Staff Movements in the Research Office Current Vacancies in the RAO has negatively effected invoicing requirements.

3 PPFs

4 Accounts on Agresso Commentary:
Number of accounts continue to increase on Agresso and is the highest since pre Sept 2012 30% of accounts relate to “Non-Budget” accounts RAO developed draft protocol as requested by the VPR in relation to the criteria required for the establishment of a research project/account on Agresso

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