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Mr. Dawson 7th grade Social Studies 2015

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1 Mr. Dawson 7th grade Social Studies 2015
5 Themes Review Mr. Dawson 7th grade Social Studies 2015

2 Location - Absolute Absolute location provides a definite reference to locate a place. The reference can be latitude and longitude or a street address.

3 Location - Relative Relative location describes a place with respect to its environment and its connection to other places.

4 Place Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location. It also answers the question, “What is it like there?”

5 HEI This theme considers how humans adapt to and modify the environment. Humans shape the landscape through their interaction with the land; this has both positive and negative effects on the environment.

6 Movement Humans move, a lot! In addition, ideas, fads, goods, resources, and communication all travel distances. This theme studies movement and migration across the planet.

7 Region Region divides the world into manageable units for geographic study. Regions have common characteristics that unifies an area.

8 Where is Europe in the world? (Relative Location)

9 What are some characteristics that unite parts of Europe?
Together with the other members at your table, brainstorm (while looking over an atlas), what characteristics unite your region of Europe. Make a list and give some examples. Western Europe Northern Europe Southern Europe Central Europe Eastern Europe


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