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Monday: 9/24 Language Arts Bell work I.N. page 37

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1 Monday: 9/24 Language Arts Bell work I.N. page 37
Write the schedule for this week (so far) in your agenda. In your I.N. table of contents, write page 37, Commas in Dialogue, and today’s date. Write a short story where two salt and pepper shakers are talking to each other about who is more important. Use dialogue in your writing.

2 Commas in Dialogue: Use a comma when you set up a direct quote:
(Before the quote begins) The weather person said, “There is a seventy percent chance of snow today.” Write your own example...

3 Commas in Dialogue: Use a comma when you are interrupting the quotation: (inside the quote and after the interruption) “I like to ski,” Ian said, “but I don’t like to wait in the lines.” Write your own example...

4 Commas in Dialogue: 3. Use a comma at the end of the quotation if you are expressing something after. (Comma replaces a period) - “The snowboarding expedition is beginning right now,” said the ticket taker. - Write your own example...

5 PRACTICE In the green Language Textbook, page 39
Complete the “Practice” section in your I.N. 37 Write sentences #1-5 and add punctuation to the dialogue (take about 5 minutes to silently complete this and we will go over them) Page 632, Exercise 2: #1-10

6 Tuesday: 9/25 Language Arts Bell work I.N. page 38
Write the schedule for the week in your agenda. Write in your I.N. table of contents. Turn in your Personal Narrative Draft #3 if you haven’t already. (with draft #2 stapled behind) ***this is a test grade Make a list of your favorite TV shows. When you finish the list, create a sentence with the list inside it. When you finish, you have time to work on what you didn’t finish yesterday.

7 Commas in a Series On page 602 in your Green Language Book, take notes in your I.N. 38 over Commas…. Write the definition of a series. Copy the chart in the book. Write only one of the sentences below each category. Leave room in each section, however, to write more.

8 Commas Save Lives Write the two sentences below:
A panda eats shoots and leaves. A panda eats, shoots, and leaves. Describe the difference in meaning between the two sentences above. How does incorrect comma placement change the meaning?

9 Practice I.N. page 38 (create a 38A, 38B, etc. if you need to)
Green Textbook page 603: Exercise 3, #1-5 When you finish, read silently or finish yesterday’s assignment.

10 Wednesday: 9/26 Language Arts Bell work I.N. page 39
Write the agenda for today and fill in your I.N. table of contents. Write the following two sentences: Let’s eat Grandma! Let’s eat, Grandma! Describe the difference in meaning between these two sentences. When you finish, you have time to catch up on any work that you are behind on from this week, including notes.

11 You Teach It… In your group, create a poster telling the class how to use commas with multiple adjectives or compound sentences. Poster must have: the comma rule, an example sentence, and an illustration Group roles: (everyone takes notes on I.N. 39) Group leader: keeps everyone on task Group artist: creates the actual poster Group reader: reads the textbook out loud Group investigator: helps with ideas Group presenter: presents to the class

12 Silent Practice: I.N. page 39
When you finish work silently on something else, or read a book.

13 Thursday: 9/27 Language Arts Bell work I.N. page 40
If you could pick one famous person to sit down with and have lunch, who would you choose? Why? What would you talk about? (write at least a paragraph) Be prepared to share your answer at the end of class. ***When you finish, study the different uses of commas we have learned about so far. There will be a quiz tomorrow.

14 Interrupters: I.N. page 40 On page in the textbook, read the rules written in red for interrupters. Write both of them down in your I.N. page 40 including an example from the text. When you finish, complete Exercise 5 #1-10 When you finish Exercise 5, turn to page 616 and complete Review D, #1-20. When you finish both of these, read a book silently.

15 Friday: 9/28 Language Arts
You have two minutes to study for the comma quiz. After the Quiz… Make up any unfinished work silently. On I.N. page 41 (writing silently) What would you like to learn more of/improve on in Language Arts? If you could go anywhere in the world this weekend, where would you go and why?

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