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What If We Wonder? African Imperialism.

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Presentation on theme: "What If We Wonder? African Imperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 What If We Wonder? African Imperialism

2 Directions Ask as many questions as you can about the document.
Do not stop to discuss, judge or answer the questions.


4 Directions Prioritize Your Questions
Choose the three most important questions from your list. Mark them with an “X.” Discuss with your partner your reasons for selecting these three questions. Copy the best question from your partner onto your paper Use the question matrix to change one of the questions you and your partner have to make it higher level


6 Mankind the Story of All of Us- Speed
As you watch the video clip, fill out the bottom two sections of the template Next, star the best question you have that was not answered today. You will have an opportunity to research an answer for it next week. Lastly, answer the following Historical Question on the back using one piece of evidence from the video: Why did people seek out new lands in Africa during the Imperial Age and what was the result of their actions? 25:27- 37:00

7 Document A

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