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COMP5331 Advanced Topics Prepared by Raymond Wong

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1 COMP5331 Advanced Topics Prepared by Raymond Wong
Presented by Raymond Wong COMP5331

2 Topics in Project Presentation
Topics in Lectures Fundamental topics in data mining Topics in Project Presentation Advanced topics in data mining But, they need “concepts” from fundamental topics COMP5331

3 Advice for Project Presentation
It is not compulsory to attend It is good to attend to broaden your horizon COMP5331

4 Topics Association/Frequent Itemset Clustering
How to represent frequent itemsets? (e.g., maximal frequent itemsets and regular itemsets) Clustering How to perform subspace clustering? (e.g., how to find some interesting subspaces) COMP5331

5 Topics Classification Data Warehouse
How to train a “group” of classifiers (or ensemble)? (e.g., multi-task learning) Data Warehouse How to create the data warehouse over different types of data (e.g., graph data)? COMP5331

6 Topics Data Streams Web DB
How to perform new data mining tasks over data streams? Web DB A hot topic (e.g., name ambiguation) COMP5331

7 Topics Decision-Making
Pattern-based mining (e.g., skyline and periodic patterns) COMP5331

8 Other Hot Topics Social Network Privacy Issues
How people are connected (e.g., facebook)? Privacy Issues How to protect privacy for data mining? COMP5331

9 Other Hot Topics Graph Data Deep Learning
How to analyze the graph data in a meaning way? Deep Learning How to use deep learning in different applications? COMP5331

10 Final Issues 3 Assignments 1 Project Enough? Difficult?
With a lot of in-class exercises. 1 Project Difficult? Depends on you! COMP5331

11 Final Issues In-class Participation Enough? Please continue! COMP5331

12 One final issue Work hard for your exam and your project!  COMP5331

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