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Engaging in Health Inequalities

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging in Health Inequalities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging in Health Inequalities
Professor Mark Gamsu

2 What do we mean? Protected Characteristics? Inclusion Health?

3 The widening mortality gap between the social classes
I - Professional V - Unskilled Average for working age men * 2.9 times greater 160 100 25 125 80 63 50 40 30 1.2 times greater Log scale Years * excludes 1981 Note: These comparisons are based on social classes I & V only. England and Wales. Men of working age (varies according to year, either aged 15 or 20 to age 64 or 65) Source: Office for National Statistics


5 What We Know 5:




9 What has stopped action?
Legislation Power Who is round the table Lack of clarity about action Isolation and defensiveness False expectations

10 Evidence and Voice Cancer Mental Health Speak Up General Practice





15 Engaging the NHS - bringing social context into General Practice
“There is no requirement for GPs to provide reports or offer an opinion on incapacity for work to anyone else, such as Citizens Advice Bureau. We have made it clear to Citizens Advice representatives that they should not involve GPs in the process.” Sheffield Medical Committee



18 Healthwatch Sheffield - Speak Up Grants

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