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Using Clusters and Index-Organized Tables

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Presentation on theme: "Using Clusters and Index-Organized Tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Clusters and Index-Organized Tables

2 Objectives Creating and maintaining clusters
Using index-organized tables Retrieving information about clusters and tables from the data dictionary

3 Distribution of Rows Within a Table
Cluster Index-organized table Ordering of Rows Random Grouped Ordered

4 Clusters Unclustered ORD and ITEM tables Clustered ORD and ITEM tables
ORD_NO PROD QTY 101 A 102 A 102 G 102 N 101 A 101 W ORD_NO ORD_DT CUST_CD JAN R01 JAN N45 Cluster Key (ORD_NO) 101 ORD_DT CUST_CD 05-JAN-97 R01 PROD QTY A A W ORD_DT CUST_CD 07-JAN-97 N45 A G N Unclustered ORD and ITEM tables Clustered ORD and ITEM tables

5 Cluster Types Index cluster Hash cluster Hash function

6 Creating Index Clusters
. Create a cluster. . Create a cluster index. CREATE CLUSTER scott.ord_clu (ord_no NUMBER(3)) SIZE 200 TABLESPACE DATA01 STORAGE(INITIAL 5M NEXT 5M PCTINCREASE 0); CREATE INDEX scott.ord_clu_idx ON CLUSTER scott.ord_clu TABLESPACE INDX01 STORAGE(INITIAL 1M NEXT 1M PCTINCREASE 0);

7 Creating Index Clusters
. Create tables in the cluster. CREATE TABLE scott.ord (ord_no NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT ord_pk PRIMARY KEY, ord_dt DATE, cust_cd VARCHAR2(3)) CLUSTER scott.ord_clu(ord_no); CREATE TABLE scott.item (ord_no NUMBER(3) CONSTRAINT item_ord_fk REFERENCES scott.ord, prod VARCHAR2(5), qty NUMBER(3), CONSTRAINT item_pk PRIMARY KEY(ord_no,prod)) CLUSTER scott.ord_clu(ord_no);

8 Creating Hash Clusters
. Create a cluster. . Create tables in a cluster. CREATE CLUSTER scott.off_clu (country VARCHAR2(2),postcode VARCHAR2(8)) SIZE 500 HASHKEYS 1000 TABLESPACE DATA01 STORAGE(INITIAL 5M NEXT 5M PCTINCREASE 0); CREATE TABLE office_cd NUMBER(3), cost_ctr NUMBER(3), country VARCHAR2(2), postcode VARCHAR2(8)) CLUSTER scott.off_clu(country,postcode);

9 Parameters Specific to Hash Clusters
HASHKEYS: Number of key values HASH IS: Optional user-defined hash function Key 21 Key 12 Key 11 Key 1 Key 2 Key 3 Key 22 Overflow block Preallocated blocks

10 Dropping Clusters Use INCLUDING TABLES to drop tables and cluster
or drop tables before dropping cluster. DROP CLUSTER scott.ord_clu INCLUDING TABLES; DROP TABLE scott.ord; DROP TABLE scott.item; DROP CLUSTER scott.ord_clu;

11 Index-Organized Tables
Indexed access on table Accessing index- organized table ROWID Non-key columns Key column Row header

12 Creating Index-Organized Tables
CREATE TABLE scott.sales ( office_cd NUMBER(3), qtr_end DATE, revenue NUMBER(10,2), review VARCHAR2(1000), CONSTRAINT sales_pk PRIMARY KEY(office_code, qtr_end)) ORGANIZATION INDEX TABLESPACE data01 PCTTHRESHOLD 20 OVERFLOW TABLESPACE data02;

13 Summary Identifying situations where clusters are useful
Using index-organized tables

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