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Latent Fingerprint Detection

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1 Latent Fingerprint Detection
Fumeless Processing for Latent Fingerprint Detection The fast answer to who touched it Current Method of Latent Fingerprint Processing Super Fuming Super Glue Requires airtight tank and heater. The reaction can take over two hours, with the exact time determined by the size of the tank, the concentration of cyanoacrylate, and humidity. Super Glue fuming is effective in developing prints on non-porous and slightly porous surfaces with prints up 3 days old on glass, 7 days on aluminum, and up to 1 month on transparent plastic bag*. Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. PR# .

2 Latent Fingerprint Detection
Fumeless Processing for Latent Fingerprint Detection The fast answer to who touched it Technology / Product / Key Deliverables Fumeless fingerprint processing will be accomplished using bifunctional isocyanate functionalized lanthanide oxide nanoparticles. These particles have the potential to act as a solid-state, non-fuming analogue to superglue based methods. A degree of stability is also imparted to the latent print after dusting. Importance Fumeless fingerprint processing is the first step towards fast, automated detection The process would consist of only 3 steps: apply nanoparticles, acquire image, process image. This method uses certain nanoparticles functionalized to specifically bind to fingerprint residue and provide for fluorescence detection under ultraviolet illumination. These nanoparticles represent a solid-state, non-fuming analogue to superglue based methods. Also visible with white light, so a digital camera flash will enable a detailed print to be captured electronically Bonds to the oils in the print and does not depend on water content that evaporates over time Enables detection of “Level 3” details (e.g. skin pores) that would usually require a fuming technique to pick up Shown to be effective on latent fingerprints up to 30 days after application

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